1.
"I
never
knew
loving
in
dollars
and
cents
could
hurt
so
much.
"
【#brokenhearted
#currencywoes】
2.
"In
a
world
where
money
talks,
my
heart
just
can't
seem
to
find
a
voice.
"
【#lovevsfinance
#mutedfeelings】
3.
"Counting
the
coins
of
a
love
that
was
never
meant
to
be,
leaves
nothing
but
emptiness
in
my
heart.
"
【#lostmoney
#lonelyheart】
4.
"I
thought
our
love
could
overcome
any
currency
exchange
rate,
but
turns
out
it
was
just
a
number
to
you.
"
【#romanticillusion
#disillusionedheart】
5.
"My
heart
is
a
currency
that
has
lost
all
value,
with
no
one
willing
to
exchange
it.
"
【#pricelessheart
#unwantedlove】
6.
"Our
love
was
bankrupt
before
it
even
began,
with
no
hope
of
recovery
in
sight.
"
【#financialruin
#hopelessromance】
7.
"The
price
of
my
love
may
not
be
measurable
in
money,
but
it's
certainly
taking
a
toll
on
my
heart.
"
【#emotionalcost
#worththepain】
8.
"I
tried
to
budget
my
love,
but
it
always
ended
up
bankrupting
me
in
the
end.
"
【#lovespendthrift
#financiallydrained】
9.
"You
can't
put
a
price
on
love,
but
it
seems
like
you're
willing
to
pay
anything
except
your
heart.
"
【#truelovepriceless
#cheapheart】
10.
"My
love
was
a
foreign
currency
in
your
eyes,
worth
nothing
in
the
exchange
that
was
our
relationship.
"
【#loveexchange
#worthlessheart】
11.
"They
say
money
can't
buy
happiness,
but
it
sure
can
buy
a
broken
heart.
"
【#happinesscurrency
#heartbreakprice】
12.
"I
thought
our
love
was
a
safe
investment,
but
it
turns
out
it
was
just
a
gamble
shouldn't
have
taken.
"
【#loveinvestment
#regretfulheart】
13.
"The
currency
of
love
is
never
stable,
leaving
our
hearts
vulnerable
to
the
ups
and
downs
of
life.
"
【#unstableheart
#lovecurrency】
14.
"How
can
something
as
trivial
as
money
affect
something
as
important
as
love?"
【#trivialmoney
#importantlove】
15.
"My
heart
is
a
currency
incompatible
with
yours,
leaving
us
bankrupt
in
love.
"
【#currencyincompatibility
#loveworthless】
16.
"The
exchange
rate
of
our
love
was
always
out
of
balance,
leaving
me
with
a
deficit
of
emotions.
"
【#imbalancedlove
#emotionaldeficit】
17.
"Love
should
be
priceless,
but
it
seems
like
everyone
has
a
different
currency
for
it.
"
【#pricelsslove
#differentrates】
18.
"As
our
love
currency
depreciates,
my
heart
can't
help
but
feel
like
it's
lost
its
value
too.
"
【#depreciatedlove
#valuelessheart】
19.
"I
thought
our
love
would
be
a
credit
to
my
heart,
but
it's
only
left
me
with
a
debt
of
emotions.
"
【#lovecredit
#emotionaldebt】
20.
"The
currency
of
my
love
may
not
be
worth
anything
to
you,
but
it's
everything
to
me.
"
【#loveworthalot
#heartworthless】