1.
"Sometimes
the
person
you’d
take
a
bullet
for
is
the
one
holding
the
gun.
"】
2.
"She
wasn't
fragile
like
a
flower;
she
was
fragile
like
a
bomb.
"】
3.
"His
words
cut
deeper
than
any
knife
ever
could.
"】
4.
"Her
smile
was
a
mask,
hiding
the
pain
she
felt
inside.
"】
5.
"The
hardest
part
of
loving
someone
is
when
they
don't
love
you
in
return.
"】
6.
"I
gave
you
my
heart
and
you
stepped
on
it
like
a
cigarette
butt.
"】
7.
"Your
touch
felt
like
fire,
but
now
just
feel
the
burn.
"】
8.
"She
was
his
everything,
but
he
was
just
a
chapter
in
her
book.
"】
9.
"Love
is
bittersweet;
so
sweet
in
the
beginning,
but
so
bitter
in
the
end.
"】
10.
"I
was
the
one
who
loved
too
much,
and
you
were
the
one
who
couldn't
love
enough.
"】
11.
"She
cried
tears
that
fell
like
razor
blades,
and
couldn't
do
anything
to
stop
the
bleeding.
"】
12.
"I
never
knew
that
heartbreak
could
physically
hurt
until
he
walked
out
of
my
life.
"】
13.
"In
the
end,
we
all
just
want
someone
who
will
love
us
enough
to
stay.
"】
14.
"I
loved
you
so
much,
forgot
to
love
myself.
"】
15.
"The
pain
of
losing
someone
you
love
is
never
easy
to
bear.
"】
16.
"Broken
hearts
heal,
but
the
scars
they
leave
behind
never
truly
fade.
"】
17.
"I
thought
we
had
forever,
but
forever
turned
out
to
be
just
a
moment
in
time.
"】
18.
"Sometimes,
it's
better
to
be
alone
than
to
be
with
someone
who
makes
you
feel
alone.
"】
19.
"The
problem
with
falling
in
love
is
that
eventually,
you
have
to
fall
out
of
love.
"】
20.
"I'll
never
forget
the
way
you
made
me
feel,
but
I'll
also
never
forget
the
way
you
broke
my
heart.
"】