1.
"Sometimes,
the
person
you'd
take
a
bullet
for
ends
up
being
the
one
behind
the
gun.
"
【伤感背影】
2.
"The
saddest
thing
is
when
you
are
feeling
real
down,
you
look
around
and
realize
that
there
is
no
shoulder
for
you.
"
【伤感背影】
3.
"It's
hard
to
be
happy
when
you
know
someone
else
is
struggling
to
be
happy
for
you.
"
【伤感背影】
4.
"You
can
love
someone
so
much,
but
you
can
never
love
people
as
much
as
you
can
miss
them.
"
【伤感背影】
5.
"The
sun
doesn't
always
shine
on
the
same
tree,
but
that
doesn't
mean
the
tree
isn't
beautiful.
"
【伤感背影】
6.
"Sometimes,
you
just
have
to
accept
the
fact
that
some
people
only
enter
your
life
as
temporary
happiness.
"
【伤感背影】
7.
"You
can
never
truly
move
on
from
your
past
if
you
keep
looking
back.
"
【伤感背影】
8.
"Pain
doesn't
always
show
up,
it
can
hide
behind
a
smile
and
a
laugh.
"
【伤感背影】
9.
"The
hardest
part
of
saying
goodbye
is
the
part
where
you
realize
you
won't
be
seeing
them
again.
"
【伤感背影】
10.
"Some
people
are
meant
to
fall
in
love
with
each
other,
but
not
meant
to
be
together.
"
【伤感背影】
11.
"Sometimes,
it's
not
the
people
who
change,
it's
the
love
they
once
had
that
fades
away.
"
【伤感背影】
12.
"It's
better
to
be
alone
than
to
be
with
someone
who
makes
you
feel
alone.
"
【伤感背影】
13.
"The
farther
away
am,
the
closer
feel
to
you.
"
【伤感背影】
14.
"I
lost
myself
trying
to
please
everyone
else.
"
【伤感背影】
15.
"It's
okay
to
be
broken,
as
long
as
you
are
trying
to
pick
up
the
pieces.
"
【伤感背影】
16.
"Some
memories
are
like
a
tattoo,
you
can't
erase
them
no
matter
how
hard
you
try.
"
【伤感背影】
17.
"The
heart
knows
what
it
wants,
but
sometimes
the
mind
gets
in
the
way.
"
【伤感背影】
18.
"It's
like
you're
with
me
in
every
way,
except
physically.
"
【伤感背影】
19.
"It's
better
to
remain
silent
and
be
thought
of
as
a
fool,
than
to
speak
up
and
remove
all
doubt.
"
【伤感背影】
20.
"You
were
my
yesterday,
my
today,
and
my
forever.
.
.
until
you
weren't.
"
【伤感背影】