生活中常用的英语句子实用(生活中常用的英语缩写)
作者:编辑:佚名
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1.
Don't
worry,
everything's
going
to
be
fine.
】
2.
Could
you
please
pass
me
the
salt?】
3.
I'm
sorry
for
being
late.
】
4.
How
are
you
feeling
today?】
5.
Congratulations
on
your
new
job!】
6.
Could
you
repeat
that,
please?】
7.
What
time
does
the
movie
start?】
8.
Thank
you
for
your
help.
】
9.
can't
believe
it's
already
Friday!】
10.
May
have
a
glass
of
water,
please?】
11.
Sorry,
didn't
catch
your
name.
】
12.
Let's
grab
a
cup
of
coffee
sometime.
】
13.
How
much
does
this
cost?】
14.
I'm
so
excited
for
my
vacation!】
15.
It
was
nice
meeting
you.
】
16.
What's
the
weather
supposed
to
be
like
tomorrow?】
17.
I'll
bring
some
popcorn
for
the
movie.
】
18.
That's
a
great
idea!】
19.
Have
a
great
day!】
20.
Let's
make
plans
for
the
weekend.
】