1.
"I'm
sorry,
did
you
say
something?
was
lost
in
the
gentle
embrace
of
my
own
wit.
"
【笑】
2.
"I
always
say,
if
you
can't
say
something
nice,
say
it
in
a
charming
British
accent.
"
【开心】
3.
"I
find
sarcasm
to
be
a
very
British
form
of
flattery.
"
【开玩笑】
4.
"Gentleness
is
the
true
mark
of
civilization.
Also,
it
helps
to
have
a
butler.
"
【微笑】
5.
"I
like
to
think
of
myself
as
a
gentle
soul,
but
let's
be
honest,
I'm
really
just
a
cunning
linguist.
"
【哈哈】
6.
"I
believe
in
peace,
love,
and
understanding.
And
tea.
Lots
and
lots
of
tea.
"
【喜欢】
7.
"Some
of
the
most
savage
insults
can
be
delivered
with
a
well-placed
'bless
your
heart'.
"
【逗笑】
8.
"I
find
that
if
you
smile
and
remain
calm,
you
can
get
away
with
almost
anything.
Except
murder,
of
course.
"
【可爱】
9.
"There's
nothing
a
good
pun
can't
fix.
Except
maybe
a
broken
heart.
Or
a
broken
bone.
Or
a
broken
economy.
"
【滑稽】
10.
"If
you
can't
say
something
nice,
just
say
something
cryptic
and
see
if
anyone
gets
it.
"
【调皮】
11.
"I
always
try
to
take
the
high
road,
but
sometimes
the
low
road
is
just
so
much
more
scenic.
"
【搞笑】
12.
"The
only
thing
more
British
than
a
stiff
upper
lip
is
a
perfectly
brewed
cuppa.
"
【玩笑】
13.
"I
find
that
a
well-timed
joke
can
diffuse
even
the
most
awkward
situations.
Except,
you
know,
a
nuclear
war.
"
【嘻嘻】
14.
"People
always
say
have
a
way
with
words.
just
wish
those
words
would
pay
me
back
for
all
the
great
press
they've
been
getting.
"
【愉快】
15.
"I
don't
always
use
sarcasm,
but
when
do,
try
to
make
it
as
undetectable
as
possible.
It's
more
fun
that
way.
"
【憨笑】
16.
"I
firmly
believe
that
laughter
is
the
best
medicine.
Unless
you
have
a
serious
medical
condition,
in
which
case
please
see
a
doctor.
"
【好笑】
17.
"I
find
that
being
polite
and
courteous
can
get
you
a
long
way
in
life.
Unless
you're
trying
to
join
a
biker
gang,
in
which
case
maybe
not.
"
【哈哈大笑】
18.
"I
always
try
to
give
people
the
benefit
of
the
doubt.
Except
when
they're
clearly
wrong,
in
which
case
I'll
make
sure
they
know
it.
"
【滑稽一笑】
19.
"I
find
that
a
well-timed
bit
of
self-deprecation
can
really
take
the
edge
off
of
any
social
situation.
It's
also
a
great
way
to
make
people
underestimate
you.
"
【幸福】
20.
"I
always
try
to
speak
in
gentle
tones.
Unless
I'm
trying
to
intimidate
someone,
in
which
case
I'll
lower
my
voice
and
speak
slowly
and
deliberately.
"
【幸灾乐祸】