1.
Pain
is
inevitable,
but
suffering
is
optional.
【#WisdomFromMrChang】
2.
Life
is
an
unpredictable
journey,
full
of
ups
and
downs.
【#LifeLessonsFromMrChang】
3.
Sometimes
it's
the
deepest
pain
that
empowers
you
to
grow
into
your
highest
self.
【#OvercomingPainWithMrChang】
4.
The
strongest
people
are
not
those
who
show
strength
in
front
of
us
but
those
who
win
battles
we
know
nothing
about.
【#HiddenStrengthByMrChang】
5.
When
life
gives
you
lemons,
make
lemonade.
【#TurningSetbacksIntoOpportunitiesWithMrChang】
6.
Pain
makes
you
stronger.
Fear
makes
you
braver.
Heartbreak
makes
you
wiser.
【#GainingWisdomThroughPainByMrChang】
7.
It's
often
the
darkest
skies
that
have
the
brightest
stars.
【#HopeInTheMidstOfDarknessWithMrChang】
8.
Your
pain
has
a
purpose.
Don't
let
it
go
to
waste.
【#PurposefulPainByMrChang】
9.
Life's
challenges
are
not
supposed
to
paralyze
you,
they're
supposed
to
help
you
discover
who
you
are.
【#DiscoveringYourselfThroughChallengesWithMrChang】
10.
It's
not
the
load
that
breaks
you,
it's
the
way
you
carry
it.
【#PerspectiveFromMrChang】
11.
Pain
is
temporary,
but
the
lessons
learned
from
it
can
last
a
lifetime.
【#LearningFromPainByMrChang】
12.
Don't
let
your
struggles
define
you.
Let
them
strengthen
you.
【#StrengthFromStrugglesByMrChang】
13.
We
may
encounter
many
defeats,
but
we
must
not
be
defeated.
【#ResilienceWithMrChang】
14.
Pain
may
be
inevitable,
but
so
is
healing.
【#HealingWithMrChang】
15.
Your
pain
may
be
the
reason
someone
else
finds
hope.
【#InspirationFromMrChang】
16.
Tough
times
don't
last,
tough
people
do.
【#ToughnessByMrChang】
17.
It's
okay
to
not
be
okay,
but
it's
not
okay
to
give
up.
【#PerseveranceByMrChang】
18.
Sometimes
the
most
difficult
part
of
the
journey
is
believing
you're
worthy
of
the
trip.
【#SelfWorthByMrChang】
19.
The
beauty
in
pain
is
that
it
has
the
power
to
reveal
your
true
strength.
【#RevealingStrengthWithMrChang】
20.
The
only
way
to
make
it
through
the
storm
is
to
keep
going.
【#PersistenceFromMrChang】