1.
"Scaling
new
heights
with
every
step",
a
perfect
way
to
describe
my
journey
up
these
stairs!
【#StairwayToGlory】
2.
The
stairs
may
seem
never-ending,
but
the
view
from
the
top
is
worth
every
breath!
【#KeepClimbingHigher】
3.
Taking
one
step
at
a
time,
because
success
never
comes
easy!
【#StepByStepToTheTop】
4.
These
stairs
may
seem
daunting,
but
my
determination
will
make
them
cower!
【#ConqueringTheStairs】
5.
"I
can't
do
it"
has
no
place
on
these
stairs,
because
with
every
step
I'm
proving
myself
wrong!
【#ProvingMyselfWithEveryStep】
6.
Who
needs
a
gym
when
you've
got
a
staircase
like
this
to
climb
up
every
day!
【#StairwayToFitness】
7.
The
best
things
in
life
are
often
the
ones
that
require
the
most
effort!
【#PushingMyselfToTheLimit】
8.
The
journey
upwards
may
be
tough,
but
the
sense
of
achievement
at
the
top
is
unparalleled!
【#ReachingNewHeights】
9.
Every
step
take
up
these
stairs,
I'm
one
step
closer
to
my
goals!
【#StepByStepToSuccess】
10.
Who
knew
stairs
could
be
so
much
fun?
feel
like
I'm
playing
a
game
of
"How
high
can
you
go?"
【#StairwayChampion】
11.
The
only
way
is
up,
and
I'm
not
stopping
until
reach
the
top!
【#AllTheWayToTheTop】
12.
Every
step
is
a
reminder
that
progress
is
being
made,
and
obstacles
are
being
overcome!
【#PushingPastTheChallenges】
13.
When
you
start
to
feel
like
giving
up,
take
a
look
at
how
far
you've
come
and
keep
pushing!
【#KeepGoingStrong】
14.
There's
no
such
thing
as
a
shortcut
to
success,
so
take
the
stairs
and
enjoy
the
journey!
【#EnjoyingTheUpsAndDowns】
15.
Every
step
take
brings
me
closer
to
the
person
want
to
be.
【#StepByStepToMyDreams】
16.
didn't
realize
how
unfit
was
until
started
climbing
these
stairs
every
day!
【#StairwayToRealization】
17.
The
view
from
the
top
is
breathtaking,
but
the
feeling
of
accomplishment
is
even
better!
【#FeelingProudAtTheTop】
18.
The
journey
upwards
can
be
tough,
but
the
reward
at
the
end
is
worth
every
drop
of
sweat!
【#NoPainNoGain】
19.
Every
stair
climb
is
another
victory
over
fear
and
doubt!
【#ConqueringMyFears】
20.
These
stairs
may
be
a
challenge,
but
I'm
ready
to
take
them
on
with
everything
I've
got!
【#BringOnTheChallenge】