1.
“Why
do
we
fall?
So
we
can
learn
to
pick
ourselves
up.
”
【-
Batman
Begins】
2.
“It’s
the
possibility
of
having
a
dream
come
true
that
makes
life
interesting.
”
【-
The
Alchemist】
3.
“I’m
in
a
glass
case
of
emotion!”
【-
Anchorman】
4.
“To
see
the
world,
things
dangerous
to
come
to,
to
see
behind
walls,
draw
closer,
to
find
each
other,
and
to
feel.
That
is
the
purpose
of
life.
”
【-
The
Secret
Life
of
Walter
Mitty】
5.
“You
don’t
know
about
real
loss,
because
it
only
occurs
when
you’ve
loved
something
more
than
you
love
yourself.
”
【-
Good
Will
Hunting】
6.
“I’m
alone…
I’m
not
lonely.
”
【-
Her】
7.
“I’m
a
ghost,
but
I’m
still
here.
”
【-
The
Others】
8.
“The
greatest
thing
you’ll
ever
learn
is
just
to
love
and
be
loved
in
return.
”
【-
Moulin
Rouge!】
9.
“Sometimes,
the
only
way
to
move
forward
is
to
revisit
the
past.
”
【-
The
Lion
King】
10.
“I’m
just
one
stomach
flu
away
from
my
goal
weight.
”
【-
The
Devil
Wears
Prada】
11.
“Am
not
destroying
my
enemies
when
make
friends
of
them?”
【-
Abraham
Lincoln:
Vampire
Hunter】
12.
“I’m
not
a
smart
man…
but
know
what
love
is.
”
【-
Forrest
Gump】
13.
“I
can’t
go
back
to
yesterday
because
was
a
different
person
then.
”
【-
Alice
in
Wonderland】
14.
“The
truest
characters
of
ignorance
are
vanity
and
pride
and
arrogance.
”
【-
The
Matrix
Reloaded】
15.
“Life
moves
pretty
fast.
If
you
don’t
stop
and
look
around
once
in
a
while,
you
could
miss
it.
”
【-
Ferris
Bueller’s
Day
Off】
16.
“I’m
not
afraid
of
death.
I’m
afraid
of
not
living.
”
【-
The
Thin
Red
Line】
17.
“I’ve
seen
things
you
people
wouldn’t
believe.
Attack
ships
on
fire
off
the
shoulder
of
Orion…”
【-
Blade
Runner】
18.
“You’re
not
your
job.
You’re
not
how
much
money
you
have
in
the
bank.
You’re
not
the
car
you
drive.
You’re
not
the
contents
of
your
wallet.
You’re
not
your
fucking
khakis.
”
【-
Fight
Club】
19.
“I
may
be
a
pretty
sad
case,
but
don’t
write
begging
letters…
except
to
the
Daily
Telegraph
once
in
a
very
good
cause.
”
【-
Brief
Encounter】
20.
“For
what
it’s
worth:
it’s
never
too
late
or,
in
my
case,
too
early
to
be
whoever
you
want
to
be.
There’s
no
time
limit,
stop
whenever
you
want.
You
can
change
or
stay
the
same,
there
are
no
rules
to
this
thing.
We
can
make
the
best
or
the
worst
of
it.
hope
you
make
the
best
of
it.
And
hope
you
see
things
that
startle
you.
hope
you
feel
things
you
never
felt
before.
hope
you
meet
people
with
a
different
point
of
view.
hope
you
live
a
life
you’re
proud
of.
If
you
find
that
you’re
not,
hope
you
have
the
courage
to
start
all
over
again.
”
【-
The
Curious
Case
of
Benjamin
Button】