1.
"Love
may
be
powerful,
but
it
cannot
compete
with
the
harsh
realities
of
life.
"
【现实】
2.
"The
heart
may
want
what
it
wants,
but
sometimes
the
mind
must
intervene.
"
【爱情与现实】
3.
"In
matters
of
the
heart,
we
often
forget
to
consider
the
practicalities
of
life.
"
【实际问题】
4.
"Love
is
a
beautiful
emotion,
but
it
cannot
pay
the
bills.
"
【生活现实】
5.
"Fairytales
may
promise
happy
endings,
but
real
life
is
rarely
that
simple.
"
【现实与童话】
6.
"Love
is
not
enough
to
sustain
a
relationship;
it
takes
hard
work
and
dedication.
"
【维系关系】
7.
"The
idea
of
love
is
romantic,
but
the
reality
often
falls
short.
"
【浪漫与现实】
8.
"Love
cannot
cure
all
problems,
especially
those
caused
by
poverty
and
inequality.
"
【爱情的限制】
9.
"In
a
world
of
practicalities,
love
can
seem
like
a
foolish
pursuit.
"
【现实之下的爱情】
10.
"Love
is
a
luxury
that
many
cannot
afford
in
the
face
of
overwhelming
challenges.
"
【生活压力】
11.
"Sometimes,
love
must
take
a
backseat
to
more
pressing
concerns.
"
【爱情消失】
12.
"Broken
hearts
heal,
but
the
scars
of
reality
never
fade.
"
【伤痛】
13.
"Love
cannot
shield
us
from
the
hardships
of
life,
but
it
can
give
us
the
strength
to
endure
them.
"
【爱情的力量】
14.
"It
is
easy
to
get
lost
in
the
dream
of
love,
but
we
must
awaken
to
the
realities
of
the
world.
"
【清醒与现实】
15.
"Love
is
a
fragile
flower
that
can
wither
under
the
weight
of
harsh
circumstances.
"
【爱情的脆弱】
16.
"In
the
end,
love
may
bring
us
great
joy,
but
it
cannot
protect
us
from
inevitable
grief.
"
【悲伤与爱情】
17.
"Love
can
be
a
temporary
escape
from
reality,
but
eventually
we
must
return
to
the
real
world.
"
【爱情的短暂性】
18.
"The
trials
of
life
can
test
the
strongest
of
loves,
but
those
who
survive
become
stronger
for
it.
"
【爱情与考验】
19.
"Love
may
not
be
enough
to
solve
all
problems,
but
it
can
make
the
journey
more
bearable.
"
【爱情的宽容】
20.
"True
love
requires
sacrifice
and
compromise,
even
in
the
face
of
difficult
realities.
"
【爱情的牺牲】