1.
warm
ray
of
sunshine
is
enough
to
brighten
up
any
cloudy
day.
【阳光如此温暖,足以照亮任何阴霾的日子。
】
2.
When
life
gets
too
dark,
just
remember
that
the
sun
always
rises
again.
【当生活变得太过阴暗,记得太阳总会再次升起。
】
3.
The
warmth
of
the
sun
on
your
skin
is
like
a
loving
embrace
from
the
universe.
【太阳的温暖如同宇宙的深情拥抱。
】
4.
The
sun
doesn't
discriminate
-
it
shines
on
everyone
equally.
【太阳没有区别对待,它照耀着每一个人。
】
5.
Sunflowers
always
face
the
sun,
reminding
us
to
seek
out
the
light
no
matter
where
we
are.
【向日葵总是面对着太阳,提醒我们不论身处何地,都要寻找光明。
】
6.
The
sun
is
a
reminder
that
every
day
is
a
new
beginning.
【太阳提醒我们,每一天都是一个新的开始。
】
7.
Just
like
the
sun,
we
have
the
power
to
shine
brightly
and
illuminate
the
world
around
us.
【就像太阳一样,我们也有能力闪耀并照亮周围的世界。
】
8.
The
sun's
warmth
never
fails
to
make
us
feel
loved
and
protected.
【太阳的温暖总能让我们感受到爱和保护。
】
9.
Sometimes
all
we
need
is
a
little
bit
of
sunshine
to
remind
us
that
life
is
beautiful.
【有时候,我们只需要一点阳光,就能提醒我们生活是美好的。
】
10.
The
sun
rises
and
sets
every
day,
reminding
us
of
the
ebb
and
flow
of
life.
【太阳每天升起、落下,提醒我们生命的起伏不定。
】
11.
When
it
comes
to
spreading
positivity,
the
sun
is
the
ultimate
role
model.
【要传播积极的能量,太阳是最好的榜样。
】
12.
Just
like
how
the
sun's
light
shines
on
everything,
we
too
should
strive
to
spread
kindness
to
everyone
around
us.
【正如太阳的光线照耀一切,我们也应该努力向周围的每个人传递善意和友善。
】
13.
The
sun's
golden
glow
is
a
gentle
reminder
that
there
is
beauty
in
even
the
simplest
things
in
life.
【太阳的金色光芒温柔地提醒我们,哪怕是生活中最简单的事物也有美丽。
】
14.
The
sun's
radiance
can
make
even
the
darkest
corners
of
our
hearts
feel
lighter.
【太阳的光芒可以让我们内心最黑暗的地方也变得轻盈。
】
15.
When
we
bask
in
the
sun's
warmth,
we
are
reminded
of
the
simple
joys
in
life.
【当我们沐浴在太阳的温暖下,我们会想起生活中的简单快乐。
】
16.
The
sun
is
like
a
reliable
friend
who
is
always
there
to
brighten
up
our
day.
【太阳就像一位可靠的朋友,总在那里照亮我们的日子。
】
17.
The
sun's
rays
of
light
can
reach
even
the
darkest,
most
isolated
corners
of
the
world.
【太阳的光线可以照亮世界上最黑暗、最孤立的角落。
】
18.
Just
like
how
the
sun
sets
every
day,
we
too
should
let
go
of
the
past
and
embrace
a
new
beginning.
【正如太阳每天落下,我们也应该放下过去,拥抱新的开始。
】
19.
The
sun's
beauty
is
a
reminder
that
even
in
the
chaos
of
life,
there
is
still
order
and
harmony.
【太阳的美丽提醒我们,即便生活很混乱,也还有秩序和和谐存在。
】
20.
When
the
sun
sets,
we
are
reminded
to
take
a
pause
and
reflect
on
the
day
that
has
passed.
【当太阳落下,我们会想起停下脚步,回想一天已经过去了。
】