1.
Never
underestimate
the
power
of
a
good
smile!
【笑得灿烂,人生无敌!
】
2.
When
life
gives
you
lemons,
make
lemonade.
.
.
and
add
a
little
sugar!【摆脱人生柠檬,调和一份甜!
】
3.
Laughter
is
the
best
medicine,
especially
if
it's
contagious!【笑声是最好的良药,尤其需要传染性!
】
4.
Life
is
too
short
to
take
yourself
too
seriously.
Enjoy
the
silly
moments!【人生苦短,别太严肃。
尽情享受那些可笑瞬间!
】
5.
Don't
worry,
be
happy.
.
.
and
maybe
dance
a
little!
【别自寻烦恼,快乐起来!
也可以来一段小舞蹈!
】
6.
good
sense
of
humor
can
make
even
the
toughest
days
a
little
easier.
【幽默感可以让最糟糕的日子变得容易。
】
7.
Life
is
too
short
to
wear
boring
clothes.
Add
a
little
sparkle!【人生苦短,穿出不一般!
闪闪发光亮点多!
】
8.
You
can't
choose
your
family,
but
you
can
choose
to
make
them
laugh!
【不能选择家人,却能用幽默抱团取暖!
】
9.
If
you
can't
find
the
sunshine,
be
the
sunshine!【找不到阳光,自己去闪亮!
】
10.
Smile,
it
confuses
people!
【灿烂一笑,让对方瞬间懵逼!
】
11.
Life
is
better
when
you're
laughing!
【人生就是要笑到无心恐惧!
】
12.
If
you
can't
laugh
at
yourself,
you're
missing
out
on
a
lot
of
fun!
【能自嘲,才能活得精彩!
】
13.
Life's
too
short
to
not
enjoy
the
little
things.
Like
puppies.
And
cupcakes.
And
naps.
【人生苦短,悠闲自在,当然少不了小事!
】
14.
Happiness
is
not
having
a
lot,
it's
enjoying
what
you
have.
With
a
smile.
【快乐不在于拥有多少,而在于对已有的感到满足。
包容,微笑相伴!
】
15.
Laughter
is
the
shortest
distance
between
two
people.
【笑声能拉近两颗心的距离,短暂而宝贵!
】
16.
Don't
take
life
too
seriously,
no
one
gets
out
alive
anyway.
【人生不能太过认真,毕竟谁都无法逃脱生死轮回!
】
17.
smile
is
a
curve
that
sets
everything
straight.
【笑容一笑,曲线救国,愁眉更添喜气自然多!
】
18.
Happiness
is
a
warm
puppy,
a
good
book,
and
a
cup
of
hot
cocoa.
【幸福源自热狗、好书、热可可一口下!
】
19.
The
best
things
in
life
are
the
people
we
love,
the
places
we've
been,
and
the
memories
we've
made
along
the
way.
【生命最美好的事物,是我们所爱的人,我们曾去过的地方和我们一路走来的记忆。
】
20.
Life
is
better
with
a
little
laughter,
a
lot
of
love,
and
a
whole
bunch
of
marshmallows.
【人生需要一点笑声,很多爱,当然还得有一大堆棉花糖!
】