1.
"The
god
of
love
lives
in
a
state
of
need.
"
【爱神生存在一个需要的状态中。
】
2.
"At
the
touch
of
love
everyone
becomes
a
poet.
"
【爱的触碰让每个人都成为诗人。
】
3.
"Love
is
a
serious
mental
disease.
"
【爱是一种严重的精神疾病。
】
4.
"The
first
step
toward
knowledge
is
to
know
that
we
are
ignorant.
"
【迈向知识的第一步是认识到我们自己的无知。
】
5.
"Love
is
simply
the
name
for
the
desire
and
pursuit
of
the
whole.
"
【爱就是对整体的渴望和追求。
】
6.
"Wisdom
alone
is
the
science
of
other
sciences.
"
【智慧是所有学问的科学。
】
7.
"We
can
easily
forgive
a
child
who
is
afraid
of
the
dark;
the
real
tragedy
of
life
is
when
men
are
afraid
of
the
light.
"
【我们可以轻易地原谅一个害怕黑暗的孩子;生活的真正悲剧是当人们害怕光明。
】
8.
"Love
is
born
into
every
human
being;
it
calls
back
the
halves
of
our
original
nature
together;
it
tries
to
make
one
out
of
two
and
heal
the
wound
of
human
nature.
"
【爱生存在每一个人的内心,它呼唤着我们原始本性的碎片重新汇聚到一起。
它试图将两个变为一个,愈合人类本性的创伤。
】
9.
"At
the
touch
of
love,
everyone
becomes
a
philosopher.
"
【在爱的触碰下,每个人都变成了哲学家。
】
10.
"The
measure
of
a
man
is
what
he
does
with
power.
"
【一个人的价值取决于他在掌握权力时所做的事情。
】
11.
"Every
heart
sings
a
song,
incomplete,
until
another
heart
whispers
back.
"
【每个心灵唱着一首不完整的歌,直到另一个心灵回响。
】
12.
"Education
is
the
kindling
of
a
flame,
not
the
filling
of
a
vessel.
"
【教育是点燃一种火焰,而不是填充一个容器。
】
13.
"The
madness
of
love
is
the
greatest
of
heaven's
blessings.
"
【爱的疯狂是天堂最伟大的祝福。
】
14.
"Music
is
the
movement
of
sound
to
reach
the
soul
for
the
education
of
its
virtue.
"
【音乐是沟通灵魂、为培养道德而移动声音的艺术。
】
15.
"Courage
is
knowing
what
not
to
fear.
"
【勇气就是知道什么不需要害怕。
】
16.
"Those
who
are
able
to
see
beyond
the
shadows
and
lies
of
their
culture
will
never
be
understood,
let
alone
believed
by
the
masses.
"
【那些能够看穿他们文化所遮掩的阴影和谎言的人,甚至不能为大众所理解、更不用说相信了。
】
17.
"We
can
easily
forgive
a
child
who
is
afraid
of
the
dark;
the
real
tragedy
of
life
is
when
men
are
afraid
of
the
light.
"
【我们可以轻易原谅一个害怕黑暗的孩子;生活的真正悲剧是当人们害怕光明。
】
18.
"Knowledge
which
is
divorced
from
justice
may
be
called
cunning
rather
than
wisdom.
"
【脱离公正的知识可以被称为狡诈,而不是智慧。
】
19.
"Love
is
the
joy
of
the
good,
the
wonder
of
the
wise,
the
amazement
of
the
gods.
"
【爱是善良的欢乐,智者的奇迹,神明的惊奇。
】
20.
"Love
is
a
serious
mental
disease.
"
【爱是一种严重的精神疾病。
】