1.
"Success
is
not
final,
failure
is
not
fatal:
it
is
the
courage
to
continue
that
counts.
"
-
Winston
Churchill
【温柔励志语录】
2.
"Believe
in
yourself
and
all
that
you
are.
Know
that
there
is
something
inside
you
that
is
greater
than
any
obstacle.
"
-
Christian
D.
Larson
【温柔励志语录】
3.
"The
greatest
glory
in
living
lies
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
"
-
Nelson
Mandela
【温柔励志语录】
4.
"Nothing
is
impossible,
the
word
itself
says
'I'm
possible'!"
-
Audrey
Hepburn
【温柔励志语录】
5.
"The
best
and
most
beautiful
things
in
the
world
cannot
be
seen
or
even
touched
-
they
must
be
felt
with
the
heart.
"
-
Helen
Keller
【温柔励志语录】
6.
"You
are
never
too
old
to
set
another
goal
or
to
dream
a
new
dream.
"
-
C.
S.
Lewis
【温柔励志语录】
7.
"I
can't
change
the
direction
of
the
wind,
but
can
adjust
my
sails
to
always
reach
my
destination.
"
-
Jimmy
Dean
【温柔励志语录】
8.
"Challenges
are
what
make
life
interesting
and
overcoming
them
is
what
makes
life
meaningful.
"
-
Joshua
J.
Marine
【温柔励志语录】
9.
"Happiness
is
not
something
ready-made.
It
comes
from
your
own
actions.
"
-
Dalai
Lama
【温柔励志语录】
10.
"The
best
way
to
find
yourself
is
to
lose
yourself
in
the
service
of
others.
"
-
Mahatma
Gandhi
【温柔励志语录】
11.
"If
you
look
at
what
you
have
in
life,
you'll
always
have
more.
If
you
look
at
what
you
don't
have
in
life,
you'll
never
have
enough.
"
-
Oprah
Winfrey
【温柔励志语录】
12.
"We
can't
help
everyone,
but
everyone
can
help
someone.
"
-
Ronald
Reagan
【温柔励志语录】
13.
"The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do.
If
you
haven't
found
it
yet,
keep
looking.
Don't
settle.
As
with
all
matters
of
the
heart,
you'll
know
when
you
find
it.
"
-
Steve
Jobs
【温柔励志语录】
14.
"I
have
not
failed.
I've
just
found
10,000
ways
that
won't
work.
"
-
Thomas
Edison
【温柔励志语录】
15.
"Your
time
is
limited,
don't
waste
it
living
someone
else's
life.
"
-
Steve
Jobs
【温柔励志语录】
16.
"Success
is
walking
from
failure
to
failure
with
no
loss
of
enthusiasm.
"
-
Winston
Churchill
【温柔励志语录】
17.
"You
get
what
you
give.
"
-
Jennifer
Lopez
【温柔励志语录】
18.
"No
one
can
make
you
feel
inferior
without
your
consent.
"
-
Eleanor
Roosevelt
【温柔励志语录】
19.
"Believe
you
can
and
you're
halfway
there.
"
-
Theodore
Roosevelt
【温柔励志语录】
20.
"In
order
to
succeed,
we
must
first
believe
that
we
can.
"
-
Nikos
Kazantzakis
【温柔励志语录】