1.
"Love
is
not
just
about
finding
the
right
person,
but
creating
the
right
relationship.
It's
not
about
how
much
love
you
have
in
the
beginning
but
how
much
love
you
build
till
the
end.
"
【爱情不仅在于找到对的人,更重要的是建立起正确的关系。
它不在于一开始有多少爱,而在于最后你能创建多少爱。
】
2.
"True
love
is
not
just
about
feelings,
it's
about
actions
too.
It
requires
effort,
trust,
and
commitment
from
both
sides.
"
【真正的爱情不仅仅只是感觉,同时也需要付出行动。
它需要双方的努力,信任和承诺。
】
3.
"Love
is
not
about
possession,
it's
about
appreciation.
"
【爱情不在于拥有,而在于欣赏。
】
4.
"When
you
love
someone,
you
want
to
see
them
happy,
even
if
it's
not
with
you.
"
【当你爱一个人时,你希望看到他们快乐,即使这不是因为你而来。
】
5.
"Love
is
a
promise
that
is
meant
to
be
kept
forever.
"
【爱是一个永远承诺的约定。
】
6.
"Love
is
not
about
finding
someone
to
complete
you,
but
finding
someone
who
accepts
and
loves
you
for
who
you
are.
"
【爱情不在于找到一个让你完整的人,而在于找到一个能够接受和爱你的人。
】
7.
"The
best
love
is
the
kind
that
awakens
the
soul
and
makes
us
reach
for
more,
that
plants
a
fire
in
our
hearts
and
brings
peace
to
our
minds.
"
【最好的爱情是能够唤醒我们灵魂,让我们追求更多,点亮我们内心的火苗,给我们心灵带来平静。
】
8.
"To
love
is
to
be
vulnerable.
"
【爱就是要有勇气去付出自己的脆弱。
】
9.
"Love
doesn't
just
sit
there,
like
a
stone,
it
has
to
be
made,
like
bread;
remade
all
the
time,
made
new.
"
【爱情不是坐等的,像一块石头,它必须像面包一样制作,永远被重新打造,永远保持新鲜。
】
10.
"Love
is
not
about
finding
someone
who
completes
you,
but
finding
someone
who
accepts
and
loves
you
even
in
your
incompleteness.
"
【爱情不在于找到一个让你完整的人,而是找到一个即使在你的不完整时能够接受和爱你的人。
】
11.
"Love
is
that
condition
in
which
the
happiness
of
another
person
is
essential
to
your
own.
"
【爱情是在其中一个人的快乐对另一个人的基本重要性。
】
12.
"Love
is
a
two-way
street
constantly
under
construction.
"
【爱情是一条被不断修建的双向道路。
】
13.
"True
love
is
not
about
finding
someone
who
never
makes
mistakes,
but
finding
someone
who
is
willing
to
acknowledge
and
work
on
their
mistakes
together
with
you.
"
【真正的爱情不是找到一个从不犯错的人,而是找到一个愿意与你一起承认和改正错误的人。
】
14.
"Love
is
an
act
of
endless
forgiveness,
a
tender
look
which
becomes
a
habit.
"
【爱是永恒的宽容,一种渐渐成为习惯的温柔的眼神。
】
15.
"Love
is
like
a
flower,
it
needs
lots
of
care
and
attention
to
grow
and
bloom.
"
【爱情像一朵花,需要许多关心和关注才能生长和开花。
】
16.
"Love
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination.
"
【爱情是一段旅程,而不是一个目的地。
】
17.
"True
love
is
not
about
how
many
kisses
or
hugs
you
give,
but
about
how
many
times
you
show
up,
even
when
it's
not
convenient.
"
【真正的爱情不是你给了多少个拥抱或亲吻,而是你出现了多少次,即使不方便。
】
18.
"Love
is
like
the
wind,
you
can't
see
it
but
you
can
feel
it.
"
【爱情就像风一样,你看不到它,但你可以感受到它。
】
19.
"In
the
end,
only
three
things
matter:
how
much
you
loved,
how
gently
you
lived,
and
how
gracefully
you
let
go
of
things
not
meant
for
you.
"
【最终,只有三件事情真的重要:你有多少爱,你的生活有多么温柔,你多么优雅地放手不属于你的事物。
】
20.
"Love
is
not
just
a
feeling,
it's
a
choice
we
make
every
day.
"
【爱情不仅仅是感觉,它是我们每天所做的选择。
】