1.
"Sometimes,
letting
go
of
love
is
necessary
to
preserve
friendship.
"
【放弃爱情,保留友情】
2.
"True
friendship
is
worth
more
than
a
fleeting
romance.
"
【真正的友情,胜过短暂的罗曼史】
3.
"Choosing
friendship
over
love
is
a
brave
decision.
"
【选择友情,是一种勇敢的决定】
4.
"If
love
hurts
your
friendship,
it's
time
to
let
it
go.
"
【如果爱情伤害了友情,就是放手的时候了】
5.
"Friendship
is
a
bond
that
can
weather
any
storm,
including
unrequited
love.
"
【友情是一种纽带,能够经受住任何风雨,包括单恋】
6.
"Love
comes
and
goes,
but
true
friends
are
always
by
your
side.
"
【爱情来了又走,真正的朋友永远陪伴左右】
7.
"A
breakup
may
end
a
romantic
relationship,
but
it
doesn't
have
to
end
a
friendship.
"
【分手结束了恋爱关系,但不一定结束友情】
8.
"Sometimes,
the
best
way
to
love
someone
is
by
letting
them
go
and
remaining
friends.
"
【有时,最好的爱方式是放手,变成朋友】
9.
"Friendship
is
a
foundation
that
can
support
a
lasting
love,
but
love
alone
cannot
sustain
a
true
friendship.
"
【友情是持久爱情的基石,但是单单的爱情无法支撑真正的友谊】
10.
"When
love
fades,
friendship
remains.
"
【当爱情烟消云散,友情长存】
11.
"Putting
your
friendship
first
may
lead
to
a
stronger
and
more
meaningful
relationship
in
the
long
run.
"
【把友情放在第一位,可能会得到更强大和更有意义的关系】
12.
"Sometimes,
you
have
to
choose
between
what's
right
and
what's
easy
-
choosing
friendship
over
love
can
be
the
harder,
but
better
choice.
"
【有时候,你必须在正义和容易之间做出选择,选择友情而非爱情可能更难,但更好】
13.
"It
takes
courage
to
value
friendship
more
than
love,
but
it's
a
decision
that
can
bring
true
happiness.
"
【珍视友情比爱情更需要勇气,但这是一个能带来真正幸福的决定】
14.
"At
the
end
of
the
day,
your
friends
are
the
ones
who
stick
around,
even
when
your
love
life
isn't
going
as
planned.
"
【说到底,你的朋友是那些即便你的爱情生活不顺利也会陪伴左右的人】
15.
"Putting
friendship
before
love
is
a
way
of
showing
respect
and
gratitude
for
the
people
who
have
always
been
there
for
you.
"
【将友情放在爱情之前,是向那些一直在你身边的人表示尊重和感激】
16.
"Friendship
is
a
reminder
that
love
isn't
the
only
important
thing
in
life.
"
【友情提醒我们,爱情不是生命中唯一重要的事情】
17.
"Choosing
friends
over
lovers
is
a
sign
of
maturity
and
emotional
intelligence.
"
【选择朋友而不是情人,是成熟和情商高的标志】
18.
"Love
may
bring
temporary
happiness,
but
friendship
brings
lifelong
joy.
"
【爱情带来的是短暂的幸福,而友情带来的是终身的快乐】
19.
"When
it
comes
to
choosing
between
love
and
friendship,
always
follow
your
heart.
"
【当你需要在爱情和友情之间做出选择时,一定要听从内心的声音】
20.
"Sometimes,
the
greatest
love
stories
are
the
ones
that
start
as
friendships.
"
【有时候,最伟大的爱情故事就是从友谊开始的】