1.
"Tears
are
the
words
that
the
heart
can't
speak.
"
【心中无法言说的话,只能借泪水道来】
2.
"The
beauty
of
sadness
is
that
it
brings
you
closer
to
your
deepest
emotions.
"
【悲伤的美丽在于让你更接近内心最深处的情感】
3.
"Sorrow
is
a
constant
reminder
of
the
depth
of
love
we
are
capable
of.
"
【悲伤时时刻刻提醒着我们所拥有的深刻爱情】
4.
"Sometimes
the
most
beautiful
things
come
from
the
darkest
places.
"
【有时候最美丽的事物来源于最黑暗的处所】
5.
"There
is
no
greater
pain
than
that
of
a
broken
heart,
but
it
is
in
that
pain
that
we
find
our
greatest
strength.
"
【没有比心碎更痛苦的,但恰恰是从这痛苦中我们找到最大的力量】
6.
"Sadness
is
a
doorway
to
the
soul,
and
through
it
we
learn
to
appreciate
the
beauty
in
pain.
"
【悲伤是灵魂的门户,我们通过它学会欣赏痛苦中的美】
7.
"The
most
beautiful
things
are
often
found
in
the
most
unexpected
places.
"
【最美的事物常常在最出人意料的地方被发现】
8.
"Sadness
reminds
us
that
we
are
human,
and
that
we
have
the
capacity
to
feel
deeply.
"
【悲伤提醒我们我们是人,我们有能力深刻感受到一切】
9.
"Even
amidst
the
pain
and
heartache,
there
is
still
beauty
to
be
found.
"
【即使在痛苦和心碎之中,仍有美丽可寻】
10.
"Beauty
and
sadness
are
two
sides
of
the
same
coin
-
you
can't
have
one
without
the
other.
"
【美和悲伤是同一枚硬币的两个面
-
你不能没有其中之一】
11.
"Only
through
embracing
our
sadness
can
we
truly
learn
to
appreciate
the
beauty
of
life.
"
【只有通过接纳悲伤,我们才能真正学会欣赏生命的美】
12.
"There
is
a
certain
magic
in
the
melancholy,
and
it
is
through
that
magic
that
we
find
beauty.
"
【在忧郁之中有一种特殊的魔力,正是通过这种魔力我们发现美】
13.
"Sadness
is
not
a
weakness,
but
a
testament
to
the
strength
of
the
human
spirit.
"
【悲伤并不是一种弱点,而是人性精神力量的证明】
14.
"The
beauty
of
sadness
is
that
it
allows
us
to
connect
with
others
on
a
deeper,
more
meaningful
level.
"
【悲伤的美在于它让我们在更深入、更有意义的层面上与他人相连】
15.
"The
greatest
art
is
often
born
from
the
deepest
pain.
"
【最好的艺术常常出自最深沉的痛苦之中】
16.
"It's
through
our
tears
that
we
find
the
strength
to
carry
on.
"
【是泪水让我们找到了继续前行的力量】
17.
"To
feel
sadness
is
to
be
alive
-
it
is
a
testament
to
our
humanness.
"
【感受悲伤就是活着
-
它是我们作为人的证明】
18.
"The
pain
of
loss
is
never
easy,
but
it
is
through
that
pain
that
we
learn
to
appreciate
the
beauty
of
those
we
love.
"
【失去的痛苦从未轻松,但越是痛苦越是让我们学会欣赏我们所爱的那些美好】
19.
"The
deeper
the
pain,
the
deeper
the
beauty
that
can
emerge.
"
【痛苦越深,出现的美就越深】
20.
"It
is
in
our
moments
of
sadness
that
we
find
the
courage
to
face
our
fears.
"
【正是在悲伤的时刻,我们才找到勇气面对恐惧】