1.
“Friends
are
the
family
we
choose
for
ourselves.
”
【-Edna
Buchanan】
2.
“True
friends
are
like
diamonds
–
bright,
beautiful,
valuable,
and
always
in
style.
”
【-Nicole
Richie】
3.
“Friendship
is
the
only
cement
that
will
ever
hold
the
world
together.
”
【-Woodrow
T.
Wilson】
4.
“A
true
friend
is
someone
who
is
there
for
you
when
they’d
rather
be
anywhere
else.
”
【-Len
Wein】
5.
“Friendship
marks
a
life
even
more
deeply
than
love.
Love
risks
degenerating
into
obsession,
friendship
is
never
anything
but
sharing.
”
【-Elie
Wiesel】
6.
“A
friend
is
one
who
knows
you
and
loves
you
just
the
same.
”
【-Elbert
Hubbard】
7.
“A
true
friend
is
someone
who
sees
the
pain
in
your
eyes
while
everyone
else
believes
the
smile
on
your
face.
”
【-Unknown】
8.
“Friendship
is
not
about
whom
you
have
known
the
longest…
It’s
about
who
came,
and
never
left
your
side.
”
【-Unknown】
9.
“A
friend
is
someone
who
understands
your
past,
believes
in
your
future,
and
accepts
you
just
the
way
you
are.
”
【-Unknown】
10.
“Friends
show
their
love
in
times
of
trouble,
not
in
happiness.
”
【-Euripides】
11.
“A
true
friend
is
the
greatest
of
all
blessings,
and
that
which
we
take
the
least
care
of
all
to
acquire.
”
【-Francois
de
La
Rochefoucauld】
12.
“A
good
friend
is
like
a
four-leaf
clover,
hard
to
find
and
lucky
to
have.
”
【-Irish
Proverb】
13.
“The
language
of
friendship
is
not
words,
but
meanings.
”
【-Henry
David
Thoreau】
14.
“Friendship
is
born
at
that
moment
when
one
person
says
to
another:
‘What!
You
too?
thought
was
the
only
one.
’”
【-C.
S.
Lewis】
15.
“One
loyal
friend
is
worth
ten
thousand
relatives.
”
【-Euripides】
16.
“In
everyone’s
life,
at
some
time,
our
inner
fire
goes
out.
It
is
then
burst
into
flame
by
an
encounter
with
another
human
being.
We
should
all
be
thankful
for
those
people
who
rekindle
the
inner
spirit.
”
【-Albert
Schweitzer】
17.
“True
friendship
is
like
a
plant
that
needs
constant
nurturing
to
grow
and
thrive.
”
【-Unknown】
18.
“True
friends
are
never
apart,
maybe
in
distance
but
never
in
heart.
”
【-Unknown】
19.
“A
true
friend
is
one
who
overlooks
your
failures
and
tolerates
your
success!”
【-Doug
Larson】
20.
“In
true
friendship,
one
can
express
anything
and
everything
without
feeling
ashamed
or
afraid
of
being
judged.
”
【-Aparna
Yadav】