1.
“In
the
midst
of
the
chaos,
we
still
find
ways
to
connect
and
support
one
another.
”
【疫情让我们疏远,在混乱中我们依然找到方法联系支持彼此。
】
2.
“Life
may
be
different,
but
it
still
goes
on.
We
just
have
to
adapt.
”
【生活或许不同,但它仍在继续。
我们只需适应。
】
3.
“The
daily
routines
may
be
disrupted,
but
the
human
spirit
perseveres.
”
【日常可能被打乱,但人类精神一直在坚韧。
】
4.
“We
are
reminded
of
the
importance
of
basic
necessities
and
taking
care
of
our
health.
”
【我们被提醒基本生活必需品的重要性和照顾我们的健康。
】
5.
“Every
crisis
brings
its
own
lesson
and
growth
opportunity.
”
【每一次危机都带来了自己的教训和成长机会。
】
6.
“The
pandemic
has
shown
us
the
power
of
resilience
and
innovation.
”
【疫情向我们展示了坚韧和创新的力量。
】
7.
“We
have
been
given
the
chance
to
slow
down,
reflect,
and
appreciate
the
little
things
in
life.
”
【我们得到了放慢脚步、反思、欣赏生活细微之处的机会。
】
8.
“Distance
has
made
us
appreciate
the
value
of
physical
presence
and
human
connection.
”
【距离让我们更珍惜身体的存在和人际的联系。
】
9.
“We
have
witnessed
the
bravery
and
sacrifices
of
healthcare
workers
and
essential
personnel.
”
【我们见证了医护工作者和重要人员的勇气和牺牲。
】
10.
“It
is
in
times
like
these
that
our
sense
of
community
and
compassion
shines
brightest.
”
【在这样的时刻,我们的社区感和同情心最为闪耀。
】
11.
“The
pandemic
has
taught
us
the
importance
of
being
prepared
and
adaptable
in
the
face
of
uncertainty.
”
【疫情教会了我们,在不确定性面前,准备和适应的重要性。
】
12.
“We
have
become
more
aware
of
the
impact
our
actions
have
on
others
and
the
world
around
us.
”
【我们更加意识到我们的行为对他人和周围世界的影响。
】
13.
“The
pandemic
has
shown
us
just
how
interconnected
and
interdependent
our
world
truly
is.
”
【疫情向我们展示了我们的世界真正是如此相互依存和相互关联。
】
14.
“In
the
midst
of
uncertainty
and
fear,
we
have
found
moments
of
hope
and
inspiration.
”
【在不确定和害怕中,我们找到了希望和灵感的时刻。
】
15.
“The
pandemic
has
revealed
the
cracks
in
our
society
and
the
importance
of
addressing
them.
”
【疫情揭示了我们社会中的裂缝和解决它们的重要性。
】
16.
“We
have
discovered
the
joy
and
benefits
of
slowing
down
and
finding
balance
in
our
lives.
”
【我们发现放慢步伐,在生活中寻找平衡的乐趣和益处。
】
17.
“The
pandemic
has
forced
us
to
confront
our
own
mortality
and
reevaluate
our
priorities.
”
【疫情迫使我们面对自己的生死,重新评估我们的优先事项。
】
18.
“Despite
the
challenges,
we
continue
to
find
growth,
resilience,
and
hope.
”
【尽管面临挑战,我们仍然发现成长、坚韧和希望。
】
19.
“The
pandemic
has
highlighted
the
importance
of
science,
research,
and
evidence-based
decision-making.
”
【疫情凸显了科学、研究和以证据为基础的决策制定的重要性。
】
20.
“We
are
all
in
this
together,
and
our
ability
to
come
together
and
support
one
another
is
what
will
see
us
through.
”
【我们都身处其中,我们凝聚在一起并互相支持的能力会带领我们走过难关。
】