1.
"Nature
never
goes
out
of
style.
"】
2.
"The
beauty
of
the
world
lies
in
the
diversity
of
its
landscapes.
"】
3.
"There
is
something
magical
about
watching
a
sunset.
"】
4.
"Mountains
are
the
guardians
of
the
earth.
"】
5.
"Nature
is
not
a
place
to
visit,
it
is
home.
"】
6.
"The
ocean
stirs
the
heart,
inspires
the
imagination,
and
brings
eternal
joy
to
the
soul.
"】
7.
"Take
a
quiet
walk
with
mother
nature.
It
will
nurture
your
mind,
body,
and
soul.
"】
8.
"The
sound
of
a
waterfall
is
nature's
way
of
reminding
us
to
take
a
deep
breath
and
let
go
of
our
worries.
"】
9.
"Sunsets
are
proof
that
endings
can
often
be
beautiful
too.
"】
10.
"In
every
walk
with
nature,
one
receives
far
more
than
he
seeks.
"】
11.
"The
mountains
are
calling,
and
must
go.
"】
12.
"The
earth
has
music
for
those
who
listen.
"】
13.
"Simplicity
is
the
ultimate
sophistication,
and
nature
is
the
epitome
of
simplicity.
"】
14.
"The
beauty
of
nature
is
that
it
never
stops
amazing
us.
"】
15.
"Nature
does
not
hurry,
yet
everything
is
accomplished.
"】
16.
"The
trees
are
our
lungs,
the
rivers
our
circulation,
the
air
our
breath,
and
the
earth
our
body.
"】
17.
"The
earth
laughs
in
flowers.
"】
18.
"Nature
is
not
a
place
to
escape
from
the
world,
it's
a
place
that
helps
us
escape
from
the
chaos
in
our
minds.
"】
19.
"The
world
is
a
beautiful
place,
but
it
is
even
more
beautiful
when
we
take
the
time
to
appreciate
it.
"】
20.
"May
your
life
be
as
beautiful
as
a
field
of
wildflowers,
and
may
you
always
take
the
time
to
stop
and
appreciate
them.
"】