1.
Sometimes,
letting
go
of
love
is
the
kindest
thing
you
can
do
for
yourself
and
the
other
person.
【放手爱情,是对自己和对方最好的安排。
】
2.
It
takes
a
lot
of
courage
to
walk
away
from
something
you
thought
you
wanted.
But
sometimes,
the
only
way
to
move
forward
is
to
let
go.
【有时,离开自己认为想要的,需要极大的勇气。
但有时候,唯一的前进方式,就是放手。
】
3.
Holding
onto
a
love
that
no
longer
serves
you
is
like
trying
to
catch
water
in
your
hands.
You'll
only
end
up
empty-handed.
【抱着不能再为你带来幸福的爱,就像试图用手接水,终究是一场空。
】
4.
There's
nothing
wrong
with
admitting
that
you
can't
continue
to
love
someone
in
the
way
that
they
deserve.
Sometimes,
it's
the
healthiest
choice
you
can
make.
【承认自己不再能够用他们应得的方式去爱一个人,没有错。
有时候,这是最健康的选择。
】
5.
The
pain
of
letting
go
may
be
unbearable
at
first,
but
with
time,
it
will
fade.
And
what
you'll
be
left
with
is
the
freedom
to
find
a
love
that's
truly
meant
for
you.
【放手的痛苦,一开始可能难以承受。
但随着时间的推移,它会慢慢消退。
让你留下的,是找到真正属于自己的爱的自由。
】
6.
It's
never
easy
to
say
goodbye
to
a
love
that
once
felt
so
all-consuming.
But
it's
necessary
if
you
want
to
live
a
life
that's
true
to
yourself.
【告别曾经让你觉得无所不能的爱,从未容易过。
但如果你想过一个真正属于自己的生活,这是必要的。
】
7.
Don't
let
the
fear
of
being
alone
keep
you
trapped
in
a
love
that's
no
longer
serving
you.
Sometimes,
the
greatest
growth
comes
from
learning
to
be
on
your
own.
【不要让担心孤独的恐惧,让你陷入一个不能再为你带来幸福的爱。
有时候,最大的成长来自于学会独处。
】
8.
Closing
the
door
on
a
love
that's
no
longer
fulfilling
may
bring
sadness,
but
it
also
brings
room
for
new,
more
fulfilling
love
to
enter.
【关闭不能再为你带来幸福的爱的门,也许会带来悲伤。
但它也为新的、更具实现感的爱进入带来了空间。
】
9.
It's
easy
to
hold
onto
a
love
out
of
comfort
or
familiarity,
but
that
doesn't
make
it
the
right
choice.
Sometimes,
we
have
to
step
outside
of
our
comfort
zones
and
take
a
leap
of
faith.
【抱着一份因舒适或习惯而带来的爱,容易过于抛弃。
但这并不说明它是正确的选择。
有时候,我们必须走出舒适区,做出飞跃的决定。
】
10.
Love
shouldn't
be
a
sacrifice
you
make
at
the
expense
of
your
own
well-being.
Sometimes,
the
greatest
act
of
love
we
can
do
is
to
let
someone
go.
【爱不能成为我们放弃自己福祉的代价。
有时候,我们所能做的最伟大的爱,就是放手。
】
11.
Letting
go
of
a
love
that's
no
longer
serving
you
can
feel
like
a
weight
being
lifted
off
your
shoulders.
Don't
be
afraid
to
take
that
step
towards
freedom.
【放手一个不能再为你带来幸福的爱,就像从自己肩上卸下了一个重担。
不要害怕向自由迈出那一步。
】
12.
You
deserve
a
love
that's
more
than
settling
or
compromising.
Don't
be
afraid
to
walk
away
from
something
that's
not
fulfilling
you.
【你应该拥有超过妥协和妥协的爱。
不要害怕离开那些不能带给你满足感的事务。
】
13.
Saying
goodbye
to
a
love
that's
no
longer
fulfilling
doesn't
mean
you
don't
care.
It
just
means
you
care
enough
about
yourself
to
want
more.
【告别一个已不能再为你带来幸福的爱,并不意味着你不在乎。
这只是意味着你关心自己,想要更多。
】
14.
If
the
love
you
have
is
no
longer
bringing
you
happiness,
then
it's
time
to
let
it
go.
Don't
cling
onto
something
out
of
fear
or
obligation.
【如果你拥有的爱已经不能再为你带来幸福,那就是放手的时候了。
不要因为恐惧或义务而紧咬某些事物不放。
】
15.
Letting
go
of
a
love
that's
no
longer
serving
you
is
an
act
of
self-love.
Don't
be
afraid
to
put
your
own
well-being
first.
【放手一个不能再为你带来幸福的爱,是一种自我爱的行动。
不要害怕把自己的福祉放在第一位。
】
16.
The
longer
you
hold
onto
a
love
that's
not
right
for
you,
the
longer
you're
delaying
finding
the
love
that
is.
【你越是抱着不属于你的爱,你会延迟找到属于你的爱。
】
17.
Knowing
when
to
let
go
of
a
love
that's
no
longer
serving
you
takes
strength
and
self-awareness.
But
it's
to
your
benefit
in
the
end.
【懂得什么时候去放弃一个不能再为你带来幸福的爱需要力量和自我意识。
但最终你会受益的。
】
18.
It's
okay
to
grieve
the
end
of
a
love,
even
if
it's
not
the
right
one
for
you.
But
don't
let
that
grief
hold
you
back
from
moving
forward.
【即使那不是属于你的爱,失去它也会让你伤心,这没关系。
但不要让这种悲伤阻碍了你前进的步伐。
】
19.
There's
no
shame
in
admitting
that
something's
not
right
for
you
anymore.
It's
better
to
cut
ties
than
to
hold
onto
something
that's
no
longer
serving
you.
【承认一些事情已经不再适合你,没有任何羞耻。
与其紧抓不能再为你带来幸福的事务,还不如果断切断联系。
】
20.
Letting
go
of
a
love
that's
no
longer
serving
you
is
not
a
sign
of
weakness.
It's
actually
a
sign
of
strength,
self-respect,
and
self-love.
【放手不能再为你带来幸福的爱并不是软弱的表现。
它实际上是力量、自尊和自爱的象征。
】