励志的英文短语录示例如下:
1.
The
most
important
thing
in
life
is
not
what
you've
lost,
but
what
you've
learned
from
it.
2.
You
can't
go
back
after
you've
learned
something
new.
3.
The
way
to
success
is
not
through
hard
work,
but
through
perseverance.
4.
失败并不代表你不行,而是你还有更大的潜力。
5.
困难只能激励你更加努力,而不能打败你。
6.
The
future
is
uncertain,
but
you
can't
predict
what's
coming.
7.
The
only
way
to
achieve
success
is
to
start
today.
8.
成功需要时间和耐心。
9.
每一次失败都是一次学习的机会。
10.
只有坚持不懈,才能取得成功。
以上是一篇以励志的英文短语录为主题的文章,共包含10个段落,每个段落之间用