1.
恩爱夫妻,宛若双飞燕。
【Lovebirds
fly
together
like
a
happy
couple.
】
2.
爱情,如同春光,温暖人心。
【Love
is
like
spring
sunshine,
warming
the
heart.
】
3.
月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。
【Under
the
willow
by
the
moon,
we
make
a
date
after
dusk.
】
4.
天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期。
【Love
may
end
someday,
but
my
regrets
will
have
no
limits.
】
5.
相见时难别亦难,东风无力百花残。
【Meeting
is
difficult,
and
parting
is
even
harder,
as
the
east
wind
takes
away
the
blooming
flowers.
】
6.
白首不相离,日日与共同。
【We
stay
together
until
old
age,
sharing
every
moment.
】
7.
海内存知己,天涯若比邻。
【Distance
can't
separate
true
friends,
who
are
always
close.
】
8.
寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。
【Searching
and
searching,
feeling
lonely
and
desolate,
miserable
and
sad.
】
9.
眸子里藏着我的心,千言万语,全部包含。
【My
heart
lies
in
your
eyes,
with
everything
want
to
say.
】
10.
掌心余温,只为你心疼。
【The
warmth
in
my
palm
is
for
you,
whom
always
cherish.
】
11.
在风中唱着情歌,演绎一段美丽的爱情。
【Singing
love
songs
in
the
wind,
performing
a
beautiful
love
story.
】
12.
真情满怀,只待有你分享。
【My
heart
is
filled
with
true
love,
waiting
for
you
to
share
with
me.
】
13.
枕上话绵绵,不离不弃心连心。
【Talking
all
night
on
the
pillow,
hearts
connected
and
never
apart.
】
14.
后羿箭法恒传,我对你的爱也一样。
【Houyi's
archery
techniques
are
passed
down
through
generations,
just
like
my
love
for
you.
】
15.
你是我生命中最美的风景,我愿赴汤蹈火守护你。
【You're
the
most
beautiful
scenery
in
my
life,
and
I'm
willing
to
go
through
fire
and
water
to
protect
you.
】
16.
风雨同舟,守望相伴。
【Sharing
hardships
and
keeping
watch
together.
】
17.
甜言蜜语暖人心,不离不弃才是爱。
【Sweet
words
warm
the
heart,
but
staying
together
through
thick
and
thin
is
true
love.
】
18.
只要你一直在我身边,我的心便永远不会冷淡。
【As
long
as
you
stay
with
me,
my
heart
will
never
grow
cold.
】
19.
我的心是温柔的,只为你而跳动。
【My
heart
is
tender,
beating
only
for
you.
】
20.
长夜难眠,只为思念你的容颜。
【Sleepless
nights,
missing
the
beauty
of
you.
】