1.
It's
important
to
appreciate
the
little
things
in
life,
but
some
people
just
don't
get
it.
【】
2.
Sometimes
it
feels
like
the
world
owes
us
something,
but
in
reality,
we
owe
the
world
everything.
【】
3.
If
you
can't
be
grateful
for
what
you
have,
how
can
you
expect
to
ever
be
truly
happy?
【】
4.
It's
so
easy
to
take
things
for
granted,
but
the
consequences
of
doing
so
can
be
dire.
【】
5.
When
you
don't
understand
how
much
others
have
sacrificed
for
you,
it's
impossible
to
truly
appreciate
them.
【】
6.
Gratitude
is
a
powerful
and
essential
emotion,
but
it's
one
that
many
people
struggle
to
feel.
【】
7.
The
beauty
of
acknowledging
the
things
we're
grateful
for
is
that
it
has
the
power
to
transform
our
entire
outlook
on
life.
【】
8.
Sometimes
it's
hard
to
recognize
that
our
privileges
are
privileges
at
all,
and
that's
when
apathy
starts
to
set
in.
【】
9.
It's
easy
to
get
caught
up
in
our
own
little
worlds
and
forget
about
all
the
good
that
surrounds
us.
【】
10.
Gratitude
isn't
just
about
saying
thank
you
-
it's
about
feeling
it
in
your
heart
and
soul.
【】
11.
In
a
world
where
everything
is
constantly
changing,
it's
important
to
be
grateful
for
the
things
that
remain
constant
and
true.
【】
12.
When
we
forget
to
express
gratitude,
we
risk
losing
the
very
things
that
make
life
worth
living.
【】
13.
Gratitude
doesn't
have
to
be
a
grand
gesture
-
sometimes
a
simple
"thank
you"
is
enough.
【】
14.
It's
the
little
things
that
count
when
it
comes
to
feeling
grateful
-
a
roof
over
our
heads,
food
in
our
bellies,
and
a
loving
family
to
come
home
to.
【】
15.
When
we
fail
to
appreciate
the
people
and
things
around
us,
we
risk
becoming
bitter
and
resentful.
【】
16.
Gratitude
isn't
something
that
comes
naturally
to
everyone,
but
it's
something
that
can
be
cultivated
with
practice.
【】
17.
The
true
measure
of
a
person's
character
is
how
grateful
they
are
for
the
blessings
in
their
life.
【】
18.
When
we
take
things
for
granted,
we're
not
only
doing
ourselves
a
disservice,
but
we're
also
insulting
the
people
who
have
worked
hard
to
provide
those
things
for
us.
【】
19.
Gratitude
is
a
form
of
kindness,
both
to
ourselves
and
to
the
people
who
have
touched
our
lives
in
meaningful
ways.
【】
20.
It's
never
too
late
to
start
expressing
gratitude
for
the
things
that
matter
most
in
our
lives.
【】