1.
"A
diamond
may
be
forever,
but
true
love
is
eternal.
"【爱情才是永恒,钻石只是永恒的象征。
】
2.
"Diamonds
are
a
girl's
best
friend,
but
love
is
a
woman's
soulmate.
"【钻石可以是女人最好的朋友,但爱情是女人最好的伴侣。
】
3.
"Diamonds
may
shine
bright,
but
they
cannot
replace
the
sparkle
in
your
eyes
when
you
look
at
your
love.
"【钻石可以闪耀,但它们无法替代你看着爱人时眼中闪耀的光芒。
】
4.
"True
love
is
not
measured
by
the
amount
of
diamonds
you
receive,
but
by
the
happiness
you
feel
when
you
are
with
that
special
someone.
"【真正的爱情并不是通过收到的钻石数量来衡量的,而是通过和那个特别的人在一起时感受到的幸福来衡量的。
】
5.
"Diamonds
can
dazzle
and
delight,
but
love
can
heal
and
comfort.
"【钻石可以让人眼花缭乱,但爱情可以治愈和安慰。
】
6.
"Diamonds
are
just
a
symbol
of
affection,
but
love
is
the
real
emotion
behind
it.
"【钻石只是情感的象征,而爱情才是真正的情感。
】
7.
"A
diamond
ring
may
adorn
your
finger,
but
love
will
adorn
your
heart
forever.
"【钻石戒指可以点缀你的手指,但爱情将永远点缀你的心。
】
8.
"Diamonds
may
be
a
status
symbol,
but
love
is
the
ultimate
expression
of
the
human
heart.
"【钻石可能是地位的象征,但爱情才是人类心灵的最终表达。
】
9.
"Diamonds
come
and
go,
but
the
love
of
your
life
is
here
to
stay.
"【钻石来来去去,但你生命中的爱情是永远存在的。
】
10.
"Diamonds
are
precious,
but
love
is
priceless.
"【钻石珍贵,但爱情无价。
】
11.
"Give
her
a
diamond,
and
you'll
make
her
happy
for
a
moment.
Give
her
your
love,
and
you'll
make
her
happy
for
a
lifetime.
"【给她一颗钻石可以让她快乐一刻,而把你的爱给她,将让她快乐一生。
】
12.
"Diamonds
may
speak
volumes,
but
words
of
love
are
what
truly
touch
the
heart.
"【钻石可能有很多含义,但真正能触动心灵的是爱的真诚话语。
】
13.
"Diamonds
can
be
measured,
but
the
depth
of
your
love
cannot.
"【钻石可以被衡量,但你的爱的深度是无法被衡量的。
】
14.
"Diamonds
may
sparkle,
but
the
love
of
your
life
shines
brighter.
"【钻石可能闪闪发光,但你生命中的爱情更璀璨。
】
15.
"Diamonds
may
be
a
symbol
of
wealth,
but
love
is
the
true
treasure
in
life.
"【钻石可能是财富的象征,但爱情才是生命中真正的宝藏。
】
16.
"Diamonds
are
temporary,
but
the
memories
of
your
love
will
last
forever.
"【钻石终将消逝,但你的爱的回忆将永远留存。
】
17.
"Diamonds
may
be
rare,
but
true
love
is
even
rarer.
"【钻石可能很稀有,但真正的爱情更为罕见。
】
18.
"Diamonds
are
beautiful,
but
the
love
of
your
life
is
breathtaking.
"【钻石很美,但你生命中的爱情更是令人惊叹。
】
19.
"Diamonds
are
hard
and
cold,
but
the
warmth
of
love
will
melt
any
heart.
"【钻石坚硬冷酷,但爱情的温暖会融化任何人的心。
】
20.
"Diamonds
may
be
an
investment,
but
love
is
a
gift
that
gives
back
infinitely.
"【钻石可能是一种投资,但爱情是一份无止境回报的礼物。
】