1.
“The
very
things
that
hold
you
down
are
going
to
lift
you
up.
”
【Dumbo】
2.
“The
past
can
hurt.
But
the
way
see
it,
you
can
either
run
from
it
or
learn
from
it.
”
【The
Lion
King】
3.
“The
flower
that
blooms
in
adversity
is
the
most
rare
and
beautiful
of
all.
”
【Mulan】
4.
“Love
is
a
song
that
never
ends.
”
【Bambi】
5.
“Sometimes
the
right
path
is
not
the
easiest
one.
”
【Pocahontas】
6.
“All
it
takes
is
faith
and
trust.
”
【Peter
Pan】
7.
“The
human
world
is
a
mess.
”
【The
Little
Mermaid】
8.
“Happiness
is
the
richest
thing
we
will
ever
own.
”
【Donald
Duck】
9.
“Even
miracles
take
a
little
time.
”
【Fairy
Godmother,
Cinderella】
10.
“To
infinity
and
beyond!”
【Buzz
Lightyear,
Toy
Story】
11.
“You’re
braver
than
you
believe,
stronger
than
you
seem,
and
smarter
than
you
think.
”
【Winnie
the
Pooh】
12.
“I
would
rather
die
tomorrow
than
live
a
hundred
years
without
knowing
you.
”
【John
Smith,
Pocahontas】
13.
“She
warned
him
not
to
be
deceived
by
appearances,
for
beauty
is
found
within.
”
【Beauty
and
the
Beast】
14.
“Life
is
a
journey
to
be
experienced,
not
a
problem
to
be
solved.
”
【Winnie
the
Pooh】
15.
“Dying
is
easy,
young
man.
Living
is
harder.
”
【George
Washington,
Hamilton】
16.
“A
true
hero
isn’t
measured
by
the
size
of
his
strength,
but
by
the
strength
of
his
heart.
”
【Zeus,
Hercules】
17.
“The
past
can
hurt,
but
the
way
see
it,
you
can
either
run
from
it
or
learn
from
it.
”
【Rafiki,
The
Lion
King】
18.
“Let
it
go,
let
it
go,
and
I’ll
rise
like
the
break
of
dawn.
”
【Elsa,
Frozen】
19.
“You
are
the
key
to
unlocking
my
heart.
”
【Rapunzel,
Tangled】
20.
“Together,
we
can
live
happily
ever
after.
”
【Cinderella】