1.
“To
the
well-organized
mind,
death
is
but
the
next
great
adventure.
”
【~Albus
Dumbledore】
2.
“Happiness
can
be
found,
even
in
the
darkest
of
times,
if
one
only
remembers
to
turn
on
the
light.
”
【~Albus
Dumbledore】
3.
“Do
not
pity
the
dead,
Harry.
Pity
the
living,
and,
above
all,
those
who
live
without
love.
”
【~Albus
Dumbledore】
4.
“The
ones
that
love
us
never
really
leave
us.
You
can
always
find
them,
in
here.
”
【~Sirius
Black】
5.
“You
think
the
dead
we
loved
ever
truly
leave
us?
You
think
that
we
don’t
recall
them
more
clearly
than
ever
in
times
of
great
trouble?”
【~Albus
Dumbledore】
6.
“It
is
the
unknown
we
fear
when
we
look
upon
death
and
darkness,
nothing
more.
”
【~Albus
Dumbledore】
7.
“It
takes
a
great
deal
of
bravery
to
stand
up
to
our
enemies,
but
just
as
much
to
stand
up
to
our
friends.
”
【~Albus
Dumbledore】
8.
“We
must
all
face
the
choice
between
what
is
right
and
what
is
easy.
”
【~Albus
Dumbledore】
9.
“It
is
not
the
abilities
we
have
that
define
us,
but
the
choices
we
make.
”
【~Albus
Dumbledore】
10.
“Numbing
the
pain
for
a
while
will
make
it
worse
when
you
finally
feel
it.
”
【~Albus
Dumbledore】
11.
“The
truth.
It
is
a
beautiful
and
terrible
thing,
and
should
therefore
be
treated
with
great
caution.
”
【~Albus
Dumbledore】
12.
“It
is
the
quality
of
one’s
convictions
that
determines
success,
not
the
number
of
followers.
”
【~Remus
Lupin】
13.
“You
are
not
weak
just
because
your
heart
feels
so
heavy.
”
【~Albus
Dumbledore】
14.
“I
am
not
afraid,
Harry.
am
with
you.
”
【~Albus
Dumbledore】
15.
“Time
will
not
slow
down
when
something
unpleasant
lies
ahead.
”
【~Hermione
Granger】
16.
“It
is
important
to
remember
that
we
all
have
magic
inside
us.
”
【~J.
K.
Rowling】
17.
“You
have
to
trust
yourself,
Harry.
You
know
more
than
you
think
you
do.
”
【~Albus
Dumbledore】
18.
“Do
not
let
the
circumstances
define
your
journey.
”
【~J.
K.
Rowling】
19.
“It
is
our
choices
that
show
what
we
truly
are,
far
more
than
our
abilities.
”
【~Albus
Dumbledore】
20.
“The
world
isn’t
split
into
good
people
and
Death
Eaters.
We
all
have
both
light
and
dark
inside
us.
”
【~Sirius
Black】