1.
"Think
before
you
post,
and
remember
that
sometimes
it's
better
to
say
nothing.
"
【管住嘴,少说为妙。
】
2.
"Silence
can
be
golden,
especially
on
social
media.
"
【不发表自己的想法也是一种智慧,尤其在社交媒体上。
】
3.
"Be
mindful
of
the
impact
your
words
can
have
on
others.
"
【言语有力,要谨慎使用,避免影响他人。
】
4.
"Control
your
tongue
and
save
yourself
a
world
of
trouble.
"
【控制好嘴巴,可以避免不必要的麻烦。
】
5.
"Think
twice
before
posting
something
you
might
regret.
"
【在发帖前想好,避免后悔。
】
6.
"Don't
fuel
the
fire
with
your
words,
walk
away
from
a
heated
debate
instead.
"
【不要用语言火上加油,退一步海阔天空。
】
7.
"Remember
that
you
can't
take
back
words
once
they've
been
said.
"
【一旦出口成脏,无法收回。
】
8.
"Choose
your
battles
wisely,
not
every
comment
or
post
is
worth
engaging
in.
"
【明智选择战斗,不是每一条评论或帖子都值得涉及。
】
9.
"The
best
response
is
often
no
response
at
all.
"
【最好的回应就是不回应。
】
10.
"Be
respectful
of
others
when
expressing
your
opinions.
"
【表达观点时,尊重他人。
】
11.
"Sometimes
the
most
valuable
thing
we
can
say
is
nothing
at
all.
"
【有时候什么也不说,才是最有价值的。
】
12.
"Don't
let
anger
or
frustration
cloud
your
judgement
and
lead
you
to
lash
out.
"
【不要让愤怒或挫败感蒙蔽了判断力,从而盲目发泄。
】
13.
"Think
about
the
kind
of
person
you
want
to
be
remembered
as,
and
let
that
guide
your
words.
"
【思考想要成为什么样的人,让这个目标指引你的言行。
】
14.
"A
little
bit
of
kindness
and
respect
goes
a
long
way,
both
online
and
offline.
"
【一点点善意和尊重可以走很远的路,无论在线还是线下。
】
15.
"Words
have
power,
use
them
wisely.
"
【言语有力,要明智使用。
】
16.
"Take
a
deep
breath
and
count
to
ten
before
responding
to
something
that
upsets
you.
"
【受到不快,深呼吸数到十再回应。
】
17.
"Sometimes
it's
better
to
listen
and
learn
from
others
rather
than
trying
to
prove
yourself
right.
"
【有时候倾听并从他人身上学习,比执着自己的观点更好。
】
18.
"Don't
be
quick
to
judge
or
criticize
others,
instead,
try
to
see
things
from
their
perspective.
"
【不要轻易评价或批评他人,而是试着看待事情从他们的角度出发。
】
19.
"Remember
that
social
media
is
not
a
place
for
personal
attacks
or
insults.
"
【记住社交媒体不是人身攻击或侮辱的场所。
】
20.
"Choose
your
words
carefully,
they
can
either
build
bridges
or
burn
them.
"
【谨慎选择言辞,可以架起桥梁,也可以燃烧它们。
】