1.
Less
is
more.
【纯净】
2.
Live
simply,
love
deeply.
【简单爱】
3.
Find
beauty
in
the
ordinary.
【平淡美】
4.
Go
back
to
basics.
【回归本质】
5.
Simplify
your
life
to
amplify
your
blessings.
【减少喧嚣,增加幸福】
6.
Choose
quality
over
quantity.
【质量胜于数量】
7.
Don't
accumulate,
appreciate.
【珍惜当下】
8.
Reduce
clutter,
amplify
peace.
【简化生活,创造宁静】
9.
Live
more,
want
less.
【知足常乐】
10.
Cultivate
a
simple
lifestyle
to
cultivate
happiness.
【追求简单为快乐积蓄能量】
11.
Simplicity
is
the
ultimate
sophistication.
【简单即是复杂的终极境界】
12.
Embrace
minimalism,
embrace
freedom.
【追求极简,享受自由】
13.
Beautiful
things
don't
ask
for
attention.
【简约造美,自然吸引】
14.
Slow
down,
simplify,
savor.
【放慢脚步,品味人生】
15.
Make
room
for
more
moments,
not
more
stuff.
【给内心留空间,不要把生命装满】
16.
Simple
pleasures
are
the
best.
【简单的快乐最美】
17.
Focus
on
what's
important,
let
go
of
the
rest.
【追求重要的,放弃无关紧要的】
18.
Life
is
simple,
but
we
insist
on
making
it
complicated.
【大道至简,却总是过度复杂】
19.
Happiness
is
not
having
more,
it's
being
content
with
less.
【快乐不是追求更多,而是满足于更少】
20.
Live
a
simple
life,
leave
a
beautiful
legacy.
【过简单的生活,留下美好的传承】