1.
"It
hurts
to
love
someone
who
doesn't
love
you
back,
but
what
hurts
more
is
to
love
someone
and
never
find
the
courage
to
tell
them.
"
【Sadness】
2.
"Pain
is
inevitable.
Suffering
is
optional.
"
【Strength】
3.
"The
hardest
thing
ever
did
was
say
goodbye
when
still
loved
you.
"
【Heartbreak】
4.
"If
you
want
to
forget
something
or
someone,
never
hate
it,
or
never
hate
him/her.
Everything
and
everyone
that
you
hate
is
engraved
upon
your
heart;
if
you
want
to
let
go
of
something,
if
you
want
to
forget,
you
cannot
hate.
"
【Forgiveness】
5.
"Sometimes
the
person
you'd
take
a
bullet
for
ends
up
being
the
one
behind
the
gun.
"
【Betrayal】
6.
"The
deeper
the
love,
the
stronger
the
pain.
"
【Devotion】
7.
"Tears
are
words
the
heart
can't
express.
"
【Emotion】
8.
"I
want
to
be
remembered
as
the
girl
who
always
smiled
even
when
her
heart
was
broken,
and
the
one
who
could
always
brighten
up
your
day
even
if
she
couldn't
brighten
her
own.
"
【Positivity】
9.
"It's
hard
to
wait
around
for
something
you
know
might
never
happen,
but
it's
even
harder
to
give
up
when
you
know
it's
everything
you
want.
"
【Hope】
10.
"You
can't
buy
love,
but
you
can
pay
heavily
for
it.
"
【Illusion】
11.
"Scar
tissue
is
stronger
than
regular
tissue.
Realize
the
strength,
move
on.
"
【Resilience】
12.
"We
never
really
get
over
someone
who
was
once
a
huge
part
of
our
lives.
We
just
learn
to
live
without
them.
"
【Acceptance】
13.
"The
problem
with
love
is
that
you
can
love
whoever
you
want,
but
so
can
they.
"
【Jealousy】
14.
"Some
people
come
into
your
life
as
blessings,
and
others
come
in
as
lessons.
"
【Growth】
15.
"Sometimes
when
say
'I'm
okay,'
want
someone
to
look
me
in
the
eyes
and
say,
'I
know
you're
not.
'"
【Empathy】
16.
"You
don't
need
someone
to
complete
you.
You
only
need
someone
to
accept
you
completely.
"
【Contentment】
17.
"The
most
painful
goodbyes
are
the
ones
that
are
never
said
and
never
explained.
"
【Mystery】
18.
"It
takes
a
strong
heart
to
love,
but
it
takes
an
even
stronger
heart
to
continue
to
love
after
it's
been
broken.
"
【Perseverance】
19.
"If
you
don't
love
yourself,
you'll
always
be
chasing
after
people
who
don't
love
you
either.
"
【Self-worth】
20.
"The
best
way
to
predict
your
future
is
to
create
it.
"
【Destiny】