1.
Worry
not,
for
every
tremor
only
strengthens
our
resolve
to
rebuild
our
beloved
Lanzhou.
【心怀慈悲】
2.
Let
us
unite
in
sorrow
and
hope,
and
rise
from
this
tragedy
with
renewed
strength
and
resilience.
【团结合作】
3.
The
courage
and
selflessness
of
our
rescue
teams
remind
us
that
even
in
the
darkest
of
times,
compassion
shines
through.
【感恩敬意】
4.
Our
thoughts
and
prayers
are
with
the
victims
of
the
Lanzhou
earthquake,
and
their
families
and
loved
ones.
【祈愿心灵】
5.
This
disaster
may
have
brought
us
to
our
knees,
but
it
will
never
break
us.
【坚如磐石】
6.
The
beauty
of
Lanzhou
lies
not
just
in
its
landscape,
but
in
the
boundless
spirit
of
its
people.
【独具特色】
7.
With
each
passing
day,
the
scars
of
the
earthquake
will
fade,
replaced
by
new
beginnings
and
opportunities.
【破茧成蝶】
8.
Let
us
honor
the
memories
of
those
we
lost
by
building
a
brighter
future
for
all
who
call
Lanzhou
home.
【缅怀先烈】
9.
disaster
like
this
may
test
our
faith,
but
it
can
never
extinguish
the
light
that
shines
within
us.
【信仰之光】
10.
Lanzhou's
spirit
is
unbreakable,
and
its
people
are
unstoppable.
Together,
we
will
overcome.
【不屈不挠】
11.
Our
hearts
ache
for
the
pain
and
suffering
caused
by
the
earthquake,
but
our
resolve
remains
unshaken.
【心酸悲痛】
12.
Through
the
rubble
and
destruction,
we
see
the
promise
of
a
new
beginning,
and
a
brighter
tomorrow.
【舟过洛阳桥】
13.
The
road
ahead
may
be
long
and
difficult,
but
we
will
never
lose
sight
of
the
destination.
【一往无前】
14.
We
may
have
lost
so
much
in
the
earthquake,
but
we
still
have
each
other,
and
that
is
a
great
comfort.
【互助合作】
15.
With
each
disaster,
we
learn
a
little
more
about
what
it
means
to
be
human,
and
what
it
means
to
be
resilient.
【深刻领悟】
16.
The
Lanzhou
earthquake
may
have
shaken
us
to
our
very
core,
but
it
could
never
break
our
spirit.
【敬畏自然】
17.
In
the
face
of
tragedy,
we
find
hope
and
inspiration
in
the
bravery
and
kindness
of
those
around
us.
【悲情映衬】
18.
The
land
may
have
crumbled,
but
our
resolve
to
rebuild
and
heal
remains
unshaken.
【借力重生】
19.
Let
us
walk
together
hand
in
hand,
and
rebuild
our
beloved
Lanzhou,
one
step
at
a
time.
【众志成城】
20.
The
earthquake
may
have
left
deep
scars
on
our
city
and
our
hearts,
but
time
and
love
have
the
power
to
heal.
【日新月异】