1.
"Life's
an
adventure,
time
to
leave
the
nest
and
explore!"
【离家闯天下】
2.
"Farewell
for
now,
home
sweet
home,
I'll
be
back
before
you
know
it!"
【暂别故乡】
3.
"Heading
out
to
find
my
own
path,
wish
me
luck!"
【寻找自己的道路】
4.
"It's
time
for
me
to
spread
my
wings
and
fly,
see
you
on
the
other
side!"
【放飞自我】
5.
"Leaving
the
comfort
of
home
behind,
ready
to
face
whatever
the
world
has
in
store
for
me!"
【勇敢迈出家门】
6.
"Goodbye
familiar
surroundings,
hello
exciting
adventures!"
【告别熟悉的环境】
7.
"Venturing
out
into
the
great
unknown,
ready
to
make
my
mark!"
【迎接未知的挑战】
8.
"Home
is
where
the
heart
is,
but
sometimes
you
need
to
step
out
of
your
comfort
zone
to
grow.
"
【心灵的归属】
9.
"Saying
goodbye
to
the
safety
of
home,
it's
time
to
take
risks
and
make
my
dreams
a
reality!"
【冒险追梦】
10.
"Leaving
the
past
behind,
embracing
new
opportunities
and
adventures!"
【告别过去,迎接未来】
11.
"Sometimes
the
best
thing
you
can
do
for
yourself
is
to
step
outside
of
your
comfort
zone
and
see
what
the
world
has
to
offer.
"
【跨出舒适区】
12.
"Life
is
an
adventure,
and
it's
time
for
me
to
start
exploring!"
【人生就是一场冒险】
13.
"Sometimes
you
have
to
leave
home
to
find
your
true
calling
in
life.
"
【潇洒离去】
14.
"Adventure
awaits,
it's
time
to
pack
my
bags
and
hit
the
road!"
【冒险在前方】
15.
"Leaving
familiar
surroundings
behind,
ready
to
explore
all
that
the
world
has
to
offer!"
【寻觅新天地】
16.
"Goodbyes
are
never
easy,
but
they
are
necessary
for
growth
and
change.
"
【告别从容】
17.
"Off
on
a
new
adventure,
ready
to
take
on
whatever
challenges
come
my
way!"
【迎接新挑战】
18.
"Home
is
where
the
heart
is,
but
sometimes
you
need
to
leave
home
to
find
your
true
self.
"
【爱在家乡,我却要走】
19.
"Life
is
too
short
to
stay
in
one
place,
it's
time
to
see
what
the
world
has
in
store
for
me!"
【不畏苦难,向前出发】
20.
"Stepping
out
into
the
unknown,
ready
to
write
the
next
chapter
of
my
life's
story!"
【新篇章将开启】