1.
You're
an
absolute
twit
for
not
reading
this
article!
【#sorrynotsorry】
2.
Don't
even
think
about
scrolling
past
this
article,
you
colossal
idiot!
【#getwoke】
3.
Are
you
seriously
too
dense
to
learn
something
new
today?
【#shameful】
4.
If
you're
not
reading
this
article,
you're
beyond
help.
【#wtf】
5.
You're
a
special
kind
of
stupid
if
you
ignore
this
informative
piece.
【#factsdontcareaboutyourfeelings】
6.
Why
are
you
even
here
if
you
don't
plan
on
reading
this
article?
【#smh】
7.
can't
believe
you're
missing
out
on
this
amazing
content,
you
fool!
【#facepalm】
8.
You
must
be
out
of
your
mind
if
you
don't
read
this.
【#mentalbreakdown】
9.
Honestly,
do
you
enjoy
being
dumb?
Read
this
article.
【#lifelessons】
10.
Wake
up
and
read
this
article,
you
ignorant
waste
of
space.
【#getcluedup】
11.
If
you
think
you're
too
good
for
this
article,
you're
delusional.
【#realtalk】
12.
You're
not
worth
my
time
if
you
can't
even
read
this,
you
worthless
piece
of
trash.
【#sorrynotsorry】
13.
Your
lack
of
interest
in
this
article
is
disappointing.
【#saddening】
14.
Stop
being
such
a
know-it-all
and
take
the
time
to
read
this
article.
【#getinformed】
15.
Your
stupidity
is
showing
if
you
don't
read
this
article.
【#facepalm】
16.
If
you're
not
reading
this
article,
you're
probably
too
stupid
to
understand
it
anyway.
【#geteducated】
17.
Do
you
have
any
brain
cells
to
spare?
Read
this
article.
【#dumbanddumber】
18.
How
can
you
sleep
at
night
without
reading
this
article?
【#sleepisfortheweak】
19.
You're
missing
out
on
some
serious
knowledge,
you
brainless
buffoon.
【#getwiththeprogram】
20.
I'm
losing
faith
in
humanity
because
of
people
like
you
who
won't
read
this
article.
【#smh】