1.
"The
struggles
we
face
today
become
the
strength
we
carry
tomorrow.
"
【苦尽甘来】
2.
"A
rugged
road
often
leads
to
beautiful
destinations.
"
【艰难困苦】
3.
"Adversity
can
build
character
and
make
us
stronger.
"
【挫折打磨】
4.
"When
life
gives
you
lemons,
make
lemonade.
"
【逆境创业】
5.
"The
sweetest
victory
is
the
one
that
is
hardest
earned.
"
【成功的代价】
6.
"Happiness
is
not
the
absence
of
problems,
it's
the
ability
to
deal
with
them.
"
【快乐源自坚强】
7.
"If
you
don't
go
through
tough
times,
you'll
never
appreciate
the
good
times.
"
【患难见真情】
8.
"The
darkest
hour
is
just
before
the
dawn.
"
【黑夜过后即是黎明】
9.
"The
greatest
glory
in
living
lies
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
"
【跌倒再起】
10.
"Strength
doesn't
come
from
what
you
can
do,
it
comes
from
overcoming
what
you
thought
you
couldn't
do.
"
【信心来自挑战】
11.
"Pain
is
temporary,
but
pride
lasts
forever.
"
【耐痛求胜】
12.
"The
most
successful
people
are
those
who
have
experienced
failure
and
risen
above
it.
"
【失败是成功之母】
13.
"Difficult
roads
often
lead
to
beautiful
destinations.
"
【龙腾盛世】
14.
"When
we
face
difficulties,
we
must
be
stronger
than
the
difficulties.
"
【在困难面前坚定不移】
15.
"The
most
beautiful
flowers
often
grow
in
the
toughest
soil.
"
【泥泞中培养花朵】
16.
"The
harder
the
struggle,
the
more
glorious
the
triumph.
"
【劳其筋骨,骄其志气】
17.
"A
smooth
sea
never
made
a
skilled
sailor.
"
【风平浪静,船帆不展】
18.
"Every
cloud
has
a
silver
lining.
"
【塞翁失马,焉知非福】
19.
"The
strength
of
the
human
spirit
can
overcome
any
obstacle.
"
【心灵不屈,无坚不摧】
20.
"The
greatest
glory
in
living
lies
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
"
【屡败屡战,最终成功】