1.
Friends
are
the
family
we
choose
for
ourselves.
【友情】
2.
True
friends
are
like
stars.
They
may
not
always
be
seen,
but
they
are
always
there.
【真友情】
3.
friend
is
someone
who
understands
your
past,
believes
in
your
future,
and
accepts
you
just
the
way
you
are.
【朋友】
4.
Friends
are
the
sunshine
of
life.
【阳光友情】
5.
true
friend
is
one
who
walks
in
when
the
rest
of
the
world
walks
out.
【真正的朋友】
6.
Friends
are
the
glue
that
holds
us
together.
【黏合剂友情】
7.
Good
friends
are
like
precious
jewels,
they
are
rare
and
valuable.
【珍贵友情】
8.
Friends
are
the
family
we
make
for
ourselves.
【自己的家庭】
9.
good
friend
is
like
a
four-leaf
clover,
hard
to
find
but
lucky
to
have.
【四叶草友情】
10.
Friends
are
the
heartbeat
of
life.
【心跳友情】
11.
true
friend
is
someone
who
knows
all
about
you
and
still
loves
you.
【真朋友】
12.
Friends
are
the
sisters
and
brothers
we
never
had.
【如同兄弟姐妹】
13.
One
of
the
most
beautiful
qualities
of
true
friendship
is
to
understand
and
be
understood.
【理解友情】
14.
Friends
are
the
ones
who
make
you
laugh
a
little
louder,
smile
a
little
brighter,
and
live
a
little
better.
【让生活更美好】
15.
good
friend
is
like
a
warm
quilt
on
a
cold
night,
it
is
comforting
and
always
keeps
you
company.
【温暖友情】
16.
Friends
are
the
ones
who
lift
us
up
when
we
can't
lift
ourselves.
【搭把手友情】
17.
true
friendship
is
a
journey
without
an
end.
【无尽友情旅程】
18.
Friends
are
the
people
who
make
life
memorable.
【难忘友情】
19.
good
friend
is
like
a
guardian
angel,
always
there
to
guide
and
protect
you.
【守护友情】
20.
Friends
are
the
ones
who
make
you
feel
at
home
wherever
you
are.
【家一般的友情】