1.
"Love
is
like
gambling,
you
never
know
what
hand
you're
going
to
be
dealt.
"
【#loveandgambling】
2.
"In
love,
as
in
gambling,
sometimes
you
win
big,
and
sometimes
you
lose
everything.
"
【#riskandreward】
3.
"The
thrill
of
falling
in
love
is
similar
to
the
rush
of
adrenaline
at
the
craps
table.
"
【#excitementanduncertainty】
4.
"Just
like
a
game
of
poker,
love
requires
skill,
strategy,
and
a
little
bit
of
luck.
"
【#gameoflove】
5.
"When
you
love
someone,
you're
putting
your
heart
on
the
line,
just
like
a
high-stakes
gambler.
"
【#puttingitallontheline】
6.
"Love
can
be
a
gamble,
but
it's
always
worth
the
risk.
"
【#worthitall】
7.
"Sometimes
love
is
like
playing
the
slot
machines:
you
keep
pulling
the
lever,
hoping
for
a
big
payoff.
"
【#hopingforsomethingmore】
8.
"In
love,
just
like
in
gambling,
it's
important
to
know
when
to
walk
away.
"
【#knowingyourlimits】
9.
"The
key
to
success
in
both
love
and
gambling
is
knowing
when
to
hold
'em
and
when
to
fold
'em.
"
【#smartchoices】
10.
"Love
can
be
a
game
of
chance,
but
the
odds
are
in
your
favor
if
you
play
your
cards
right.
"
【#playingyourcardsright】
11.
"Just
like
a
gambler,
you
have
to
be
willing
to
take
risks
if
you
want
to
find
true
love.
"
【#takerisksandwinbig】
12.
"Winning
at
love
and
winning
at
gambling
both
require
patience,
determination,
and
a
little
bit
of
luck.
"
【#keeptryingforyourdreams】
13.
"There's
always
a
chance
you'll
get
burned
when
you're
playing
with
fire,
just
like
there's
always
a
chance
you'll
get
hurt
when
you're
in
love.
"
【#risksandconsequences】
14.
"Falling
in
love
is
like
betting
on
a
horse:
you
never
know
for
sure
if
it's
going
to
pay
off.
"
【#uncertaintyoflove】
15.
"Gambling
with
your
heart
can
be
dangerous,
but
it
can
also
lead
to
the
greatest
rewards.
"
【#riskbigrewardbig】
16.
"In
love,
like
in
gambling,
it's
important
to
know
when
to
cut
your
losses
and
move
on.
"
【#movingforward】
17.
"Love
is
a
gamble,
but
it's
the
most
important
one
you'll
ever
make.
"
【#allornothing】
18.
"When
it
comes
to
love,
you
have
to
be
willing
to
go
all
in.
"
【#allornothingattitude】
19.
"Like
a
game
of
blackjack,
love
requires
you
to
take
risks,
but
it
can
also
yield
great
rewards.
"
【#balancingriskandreward】
20.
"Winning
at
love
is
like
winning
at
the
roulette
table:
it's
all
about
trusting
your
instincts
and
taking
chances.
"
【#trustyoursoul】