1.
"Don't
mistake
my
gentleness
for
weakness,
because
beneath
it
lies
the
ferocity
of
a
wolf.
"【狼性文案】
2.
"Cleanliness
is
not
just
a
matter
of
hygiene,
it's
a
reflection
of
your
inner
strength.
"【温柔干净】
3.
"Never
judge
a
book
by
its
cover,
because
behind
a
gentle
appearance
could
lie
a
fierce
warrior.
"【狼性文案】
4.
"A
clean
mind
leads
to
a
clean
life,
and
a
clean
life
leads
to
a
peaceful
mind.
"【温柔干净】
5.
"Don't
let
the
softness
fool
you,
because
I'm
capable
of
roaring
like
a
beast.
"【狼性文案】
6.
"There's
nothing
more
attractive
than
a
soft
heart
and
a
clean
spirit.
"【温柔干净】
7.
"I
may
look
sweet
and
gentle,
but
don't
push
me
too
far
or
you'll
see
my
wolf
side.
"【狼性文案】
8.
"A
clean
environment
lifts
the
spirit,
while
a
dirty
one
drags
it
down.
"【温柔干净】
9.
"A
wolf
doesn't
lose
sleep
over
the
opinion
of
sheep,
and
a
clean
soul
doesn't
worry
about
the
negativity
of
others.
"【狼性文案】
10.
"A
clean
conscience
is
a
priceless
treasure,
and
the
purest
form
of
self-love.
"【温柔干净】
11.
"Strong
women
are
not
afraid
to
show
their
soft
side,
nor
their
wolf
side.
"【狼性文案】
12.
"Cleanliness
is
not
just
a
chore,
it's
a
lifestyle
that
brings
inner
peace.
"【温柔干净】
13.
"A
wolf
is
never
alone,
because
it
is
always
true
to
itself.
"【狼性文案】
14.
"Cleanliness
is
an
act
of
self-respect,
and
a
way
of
showing
respect
to
others.
"【温柔干净】
15.
"Behind
every
gentle
soul
lies
a
fierce
determination
to
succeed.
"【狼性文案】
16.
"A
clean
start
is
the
foundation
of
a
successful
life.
"【温柔干净】
17.
"A
wolf
is
always
willing
to
fight
for
what
it
believes
in,
just
like
a
clean
spirit
stands
up
for
what's
right.
"【狼性文案】
18.
"A
clean
slate
is
the
first
step
towards
a
better
life.
"【温柔干净】
19.
"A
wolf
doesn't
apologize
for
being
true
to
its
nature,
just
like
a
clean
spirit
doesn't
apologize
for
being
true
to
its
beliefs.
"【狼性文案】
20.
"Cleanliness
is
a
habit
that
brings
joy
to
others,
and
a
sense
of
pride
to
oneself.
"【温柔干净】