1.
"Dive
into
a
seafood
feast
with
our
fresh
catch
of
the
day!"【海鲜的盛宴,就在我们新鲜捕捞的海鲜中!
】
2.
"Get
hooked
on
our
succulent
shrimp,
juicy
crab,
and
tasty
mussels!"【扣上美味的虾、蟹和贻贝,彰显我们海鲜的魅力!
】
3.
"Indulge
in
the
flavors
of
the
sea
with
our
delightful
seafood
platters.
"【尽情享受海洋味道的精致海鲜拼盘】
4.
"The
ocean's
bounty
awaits
at
our
seafood
counter.
"【海洋丰富的馈赠,等着你来选择我们的海鲜货架】
5.
"Reel
in
your
appetite
with
our
sushi
platters
and
sashimi
trays.
"【让我们的寿司拼盘和刺身托盘让你的味蕾得到满足!
】
6.
"Savor
the
taste
of
freshly
grilled
octopus,
squid,
and
lobster!"【尽情品尝新鲜烤八爪鱼、鱿鱼和龙虾的美味!
】
7.
"Take
a
bite
out
of
our
crispy
calamari
and
buttery
scallops.
"【品尝我们脆爽的苏东和鲜美的扇贝】
8.
"Join
us
for
a
seafood
extravaganza
that
will
leave
you
hooked
for
life!"【和我们一起来享受一场食之盛宴,一生难忘的海鲜盛宴!】
9.
"Fresh
seafood
is
the
foundation
of
our
delectable
menu.
"【新鲜的海鲜是精致菜品的基础!
】
10.
"Our
seafood
is
sustainably
sourced
and
perfectly
prepared
for
your
pleasure.
"【我们的海鲜使用可持续方案采购,经过完美的处理,带来愉悦的品尝体验!
】
11.
"Come
taste
the
ocean's
bounty
with
our
delightful
lobster
tails
and
shrimp
cocktail.
"【品尝新鲜的龙虾尾和虾酱,感受丰富的海洋味道!
】
12.
"Our
seafood
is
flown
in
daily
to
ensure
you
have
the
freshest
catch
possible.
"【我们的海鲜每天空运,确保你能吃到最新鲜的海鲜!
】
13.
"Indulge
in
our
creamy
clam
chowder
and
savor
the
flavors
of
the
sea.
"【沉迷于我们浓郁的蛤蜊浓汤,品尝海洋味道的绝妙!
】
14.
"Our
seafood
platters
are
perfect
for
sharing
with
friends
or
enjoying
all
to
yourself.
"【我们的海鲜拼盘是和朋友分享或独自用餐的完美选择!
】
15.
"Let
us
tantalize
your
taste
buds
with
our
succulent
salmon,
aromatic
lobster,
and
flavorful
prawns.
"【用我们美味多汁的鲑鱼、龙虾和鲜美的虾欲罢不能!
】
16.
"Our
seafood
is
so
fresh,
you'll
swear
you
can
taste
the
ocean
in
every
bite.
"【我们的海鲜这么新鲜,你会似乎在品尝每一口都能感受到海洋的味道!
】
17.
"From
shrimp
scampi
to
seafood
paella,
our
menu
is
full
of
mouth-watering
options.
"【从大虾蒜蓉炒到海鲜泰式烩饭,我们的菜单充满口感丰富的选择!
】
18.
"Join
us
for
a
seafood
dinner
that
will
make
waves
in
your
taste
buds.
"【来参加让味蕾激荡的海鲜晚宴!】
19.
"Our
seafood
is
caught
with
care
and
cooked
to
perfection,
just
for
you.
"【我们的海鲜被精心捕捞并烹制,只为你们能品尝到最佳滋味!
】
20.
"Come
aboard
for
a
seafood
journey
that
will
take
your
taste
buds
on
a
wild
ride.
"【加入我们,一起启程,带领你的味蕾经历一场海鲜之旅!
】