1.
"Sometimes
the
loudest
argument
is
the
silent
ones
within
ourselves.
"
【伤感语录】
2.
"Words
can
hurt
more
than
physical
blows,
especially
during
an
argument.
"
【以吵架图片】
3.
"When
you
argue
with
someone,
you're
not
only
fighting
with
their
opinions
but
also
their
emotions.
"
【伤感语录】
4.
"The
hardest
arguments
to
win
are
the
ones
you
have
with
yourself.
"
【以吵架图片】
5.
"Silence
can
sometimes
express
more
than
a
thousand
words
during
an
argument.
"
【伤感语录】
6.
"Anger
can
make
you
say
things
that
you
don't
mean
during
an
argument.
"
【以吵架图片】
7.
"It's
better
to
forgive
and
forget
instead
of
holding
onto
anger
after
an
argument.
"
【伤感语录】
8.
"The
most
regretful
words
come
out
during
an
argument
when
we
let
our
emotions
take
over.
"
【以吵架图片】
9.
"Sometimes
the
best
way
to
win
an
argument
is
to
walk
away
and
let
things
cool
down.
"
【伤感语录】
10.
"Arguing
with
someone
you
care
about
is
like
trying
to
find
a
way
out
of
a
broken
maze.
"
【以吵架图片】
11.
"Saying
sorry
after
an
argument
can
be
the
hardest
thing
to
do,
but
it's
the
most
crucial
step.
"
【伤感语录】
12.
"Loud
words
during
an
argument
can
hurt
more
than
physical
hits.
"
【以吵架图片】
13.
"Apologizing
doesn't
always
mean
you're
wrong;
it
means
you
value
your
relationship
more
than
your
ego.
"
【伤感语录】
14.
"The
aftermath
of
an
argument
is
like
trying
to
fix
a
shattered
glass.
"
【以吵架图片】
15.
"Never
go
to
bed
angry
after
an
argument;
it
will
only
create
a
bigger
mess.
"
【伤感语录】
16.
"An
argument
is
like
a
storm;
it
will
eventually
pass,
but
the
damage
remains.
"
【以吵架图片】
17.
"Regret
is
the
strongest
emotion
felt
after
an
argument.
"
【伤感语录】
18.
"The
best
resolution
to
an
argument
is
a
sincere
apology
and
an
open
heart.
"
【以吵架图片】
19.
"Arguments
make
us
realize
how
fragile
and
valuable
relationships
can
be.
"
【伤感语录】
20.
"Sometimes
walking
away
from
an
argument
is
not
cowardly,
but
it
is
the
wisest
thing
to
do.
"
【以吵架图片】